Attachment 'trace.txt'


   1[9] ........F
   3 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
   4 ________________________ entrypoint: TestGroupDicts().testRenameGroupPage _________________________
   6     def testRenameGroupPage(self):
   7         # tests if the dict cache for groups is refreshed after renaming a page
   8         gain_superuser_rights(self.request)
   9         pagename = u'SomeGroup'
  10         page = PageEditor(self.request, pagename, do_editor_backup=0)
  11         body = " * ExampleUser"
  12         page.saveText(body, 0)
  13         page = PageEditor(self.request, pagename, do_editor_backup=0)
  14 >       page.renamePage(self.request, u'AnotherGroup')
  16 [/home/workspace/moin-1.7/MoinMoin/_tests/]
  17 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  19     def renamePage(self, newpagename, comment=None):
  20         """ Rename the current version of the page (making a backup before deletion
  21                 and keeping the backups, logs and attachments).
  23             @param comment: Comment given by user
  24             @rtype: unicode
  25             @return: success flag, error message
  26             """
  27         request = self.request
  28         _ = self._
  30         if not (request.user.may.delete(self.page_name)
  31                 and request.user.may.write(newpagename)):
  32             msg = _('You are not allowed to rename this page!')
  33             raise self.AccessDenied, msg
  35         if not newpagename:
  36             return False, _("You can't rename to an empty pagename.")
  38         newpage = PageEditor(request, newpagename)
  40         pageexists_error = _("""'''A page with the name {{{'%s'}}} already exists.'''
  42     Try a different name.""") % (wikiutil.escape(newpagename), )
  44         # Check whether a page with the new name already exists
  45         if newpage.exists(includeDeleted=1):
  46             return False, pageexists_error
  48         # Get old page text
  49         savetext = self.get_raw_body()
  51         oldpath = self.getPagePath(check_create=0)
  52         newpath = newpage.getPagePath(check_create=0)
  54         # Rename page
  56         # NOTE: might fail if another process created newpagename just
  57         # NOW, while you read this comment. Rename is atomic for files -
  58         # but for directories, rename will fail if the directory
  59         # exists. We should have global edit-lock to avoid this.
  60         # See
  61         try:
  62             os.rename(oldpath, newpath)
  63             self.error = None
  64             # Save page text with a comment about the old name
  65             savetext = u"## page was renamed from %s\n%s" % (self.page_name, savetext)
  66 >           newpage.saveText(savetext, 0, comment=comment, extra=self.page_name, action='SAVE/RENAME', notify=False)
  68 [/home/workspace/moin-1.7/MoinMoin/]
  69 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  71     def saveText(self, newtext, rev, **kw):
  72         """ Save new text for a page.
  74             @param newtext: text to save for this page
  75             @param rev: revision of the page
  76             @keyword trivial: trivial edit (default: 0)
  77             @keyword extra: extra info field (e.g. for SAVE/REVERT with revno)
  78             @keyword comment: comment field (when preview is true)
  79             @keyword action: action for editlog (default: SAVE)
  80             @keyword index: needs indexing, not already handled (default: 1)
  81             @keyword deleted: if True, then don't save page content (used by DeletePage, default: False)
  82             @keyword notify: if False (default: True), don't send a PageChangedEvent
  83             @rtype: unicode
  84             @return: error msg
  85             """
  86         request = self.request
  87         _ = self._
  88 >       self._save_draft(newtext, rev, **kw)
  90 [/home/workspace/moin-1.7/MoinMoin/]
  91 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  93     def _save_draft(self, text, rev, **kw):
  94         """ Save an editor backup to the drafts cache arena.
  96             @param text: draft text of the page
  97                          (if None, the draft gets removed from the cache)
  98             @param rev: the revision of the page this draft is based on
  99             @param kw: no keyword args used currently
 100             """
 101         request = self.request
 102         if not request.user.valid or not self.do_editor_backup:
 103             return None
 105         arena = 'drafts'
 106         key =
 107         cache = caching.CacheEntry(request, arena, key, scope='wiki', use_pickle=True)
 108         if cache.exists():
 109             cache_data = cache.content()
 110         else:
 111             cache_data = {}
 112         pagename = self.page_name
 113         if text is None:
 114             try:
 115                 del cache_data[pagename]
 116             except:
 117                 pass
 118         else:
 119             timestamp = int(time.time())
 120             cache_data[pagename] = (timestamp, rev, text)
 121 >       cache.update(cache_data)
 123 [/home/workspace/moin-1.7/MoinMoin/]
 124 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 126     def update(self, content):
 127         try:
 128             fname = self._filename()
 129             if self.use_pickle:
 130                 content = pickle.dumps(content, PICKLE_PROTOCOL)
 131             elif self.use_encode:
 132                 content = content.encode(config.charset)
 133             if not self.locking or self.locking and self.wlock.acquire(1.0):
 134                 try:
 135                     # we do not write content to old inode, but to a new file
 136                     # so we don't need to lock when we just want to read the file
 137                     # (at least on POSIX, this works)
 138                     tmp_handle, tmp_fname = tempfile.mkstemp('.tmp', self.key, self.arena_dir)
 139                     os.write(tmp_handle, content)
 140                     os.close(tmp_handle)
 141                     # this is either atomic or happening with real locks set:
 142                     filesys.rename(tmp_fname, fname)
 143                     filesys.chmod(fname, 0666 & config.umask) # fix mode that mkstemp chose
 144                 finally:
 145                     if self.locking:
 146                         self.wlock.release()
 147             else:
 148                 print self.lock_dir
 149                 self.request.log("Can't acquire write lock in %s" % self.lock_dir)
 150         except (pickle.PicklingError, OSError, IOError, ValueError), err:
 151 E           raise CacheError(str(err))
 152 >           CacheError: Can't pickle <type 'instancemethod'>: attribute lookup __builtin__.instancemethod failed
 154 [/home/workspace/moin-1.7/MoinMoin/]
 155 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
 156 ======================= tests finished: 8 passed, 1 failed in 0.83 seconds ========================

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