Sometimes - not always - if you hit "preview" edit mode is closed without saving the page.
Steps to reproduce
- Edit a page
- Hit several times preview
- Edit mode will be closed without saving the page
Component selection
- general
MoinMoin Version |
1.8beta2 |
OS and Version |
XP |
Python Version |
2.5 |
Server Setup |
Desktop |
Server Details |
Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences) |
This behaviour seems not new to me. I think I have reported already a similar behaviour in earlier Moin versions.
Lacks details: browser used? Does it happen with different browsers? How often does it happen? Does it happen on site?
- IE7
- Does work fine with other browsers (Firefox 3.0.1, Opera 9.25)
- Happens often on IE7
- Does not happen on site.
See also MoinMoinBugs/DataLossWhenPreviewingPagesWithInternetExplorer (at least it behaves like this on my system).
I can confirm this problem with IE7 and have found an entry about Problem launching localhost site in IE7 in one of the MS forums. -- ReimarBauer 2008-09-26 14:51:10
- But IE6 seems to be also affected. At least I have also trouble with preview sometimes there.
That was a good hint that eases debugging on linux. It looks to me currently that the preview page is rendered correctly in IE and then vanishes. You can see this if you set a breakpoint in session.finish. Some further test (needs to be continued) shows that server_standalone.serve_forever_thread send some packages to the browser afterwards. Those are probably the reason for the problem.
The interesting line of the attachment is
113 67 <xml><var name="" type="str" value="str%253A ThreadPoolServer instance has no attribute %2527wfile%2527" />%0A</xml>
The following patch request_standalone.patch isn't the solution yet. It seems to me that the patch sometimes does not load the preview or it does not load the error page into IE. (This patch does not make any difference to the behaviour of FF) Also it seems to me that the IE bug page less often is shown.
- Priority:
- Assigned to:
Status: won't fix, not a moin bug. duplicate of MoinMoinBugs/DataLossWhenPreviewingPagesWithInternetExplorer