possible occurrence of this mismatch
using the codebase of 1.7
that's a first pass, needs to be repeated
MoinMoin.action AttachFile.py 949: msg = _("A severe error occurred:") + ' ' + str(err) newaccount.py 69: return "Can't encode password: %s" % str(err) MoinMoin.config multiconfig.py 62: msg = '%s: %s' % (err.__class__.__name__, str(err)) 526: return str(err) 1.082: 'err': str(err), MoinMoin.converter text_html_text_moin_wiki.py 1.304: f.write("\n" + "-"*80 + "\n" + str(msg)) MoinMoin.i18n.tools recode.py 50: error("Can't recode: %s" % str(err)) 52: error(str(err)) MoinMoin.logfile __init__.py 215: raise LogMissing(str(err)) MoinMoin.macro TeudView.py 30: if _imperr: return "Error in TeudView macro: " + str(_imperr) MoinMoin.mail.sendmail sendmail.py 135: return (0, str(e)) 140: 'reason': str(e) MoinMoin.request 65: self.delayedError = error.InternalError(str(err)) MoinMoin.script.maint.migration _conv160.py 96: print "Error: invalid event log (%s) line %d, err: %s, SKIPPING THIS LINE!" % (self.fname, lineno, str(err)) 379: print "Error: User reader can not parse line %r from profile %r (%s)" % (line, fname, str(err)) _conv160a.py 96: print "Error: invalid event log (%s) line %d, err: %s, SKIPPING THIS LINE!" % (self.fname, lineno, str(err)) 379: print "Error: User reader can not parse line %r from profile %r (%s)" % (line, fname, str(err)) migutil.py 70: error("can't copy '%s' to '%s' (%s)" % (dir_from, dir_to, str(err))) wikiutil160a.py 1.203: msg = str(err) 1.221: msg = str(err) 1.230: msg = str(err) 1.419: return str(value) MoinMoin.script.server standalone.py 103: if 'wikiserverconfig' in str(err): MoinMoin.search queryparser.py 1.062: raise ValueError(str(err)) MoinMoin.theme __init__.py 533: alt = 'KeyError: %s' % str(err) MoinMoin.userprefs changepass.py 67: return "Can't encode password: %s" % str(err) MoinMoin.xmlrpc ProcessMail.py 28: err = u"An error occured while processing the message: " + str(e.args) 30: return xmlrpcobj._outstr(err) RemoteScript.py 30: return xmlrpcobj._outstr(str(err)) MoinMoin log.py 133: err_msg = str(err) Page.py 1.057: 'error': str(err), 1.338: (self.page_name, str(err))) wikisync.py 184: raise UnsupportedWikiException("xmlrpclib.Fault: %s" % str(err)) wikiutil.py 2.017: msg = str(err) 2.037: msg = str(err) 2.046: msg = str(err)