
The variables cookie_lifetime and anonymous_session_lifetime have changed in an incompatible way in moin 1.9:

in moin 1.8 1, the variables use to be:

  cookie_lifetime = INTEGER
  anonymous_session_lifetime = INTEGER

in moin 1.9 2, the variables use to be:

  cookie_lifetime = TUPLE, like 
  anonymous_session_lifetime -> NOT USED.

This prevent moinmoin from working after upgrade.

--> Please, support smooth transition, by accepting old variables (and printing a warning).

Steps to reproduce


  cookie_lifetime = 12
  anonymous_session_lifetime = 0

Component selection



[error] File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/MoinMoin/", line 874, in _wantTrail
[error]    return (not self.valid and self._request.cfg.cookie_lifetime[0]  # anon sessions enabled
[error]  TypeError: 'int' object is unsubscriptable

MoinMoin Version


OS and Version

Python Version

Server Setup

Server Details

Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences)



There is a HINT: in docs/CHANGES about this change. The dropping of the old vars was intended, because they used quite different (and rather long) variable names for basically the same stuff. If you do an upgrade, you are expected to read docs/CHANGES, esp. the HINT: lines there, they point out such stuff. -- ThomasWaldmann 2009-12-10 11:39:19

Documentation needs to be updated:

/!\ MoinMaster I18n Wiki pages need to be updated (search "cookie_lifetime").



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/CookieLifetimeSmoothTransition (last edited 2010-01-10 18:51:39 by ThomasWaldmann)