Attachment 'error.log.txt'


   1 [Sat Nov 11 17:47:43 2006] IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument
   2 Traceback (most recent call last):
   3   File "C:\Supplements\MoinMoin\KnowledgeBase\moin.cgi", line 41, in <module>
   5   File "C:/Supplements/MoinMoin/Lib/site-packages\MoinMoin\", line 1174, in run
   7   File "C:/Supplements/MoinMoin/Lib/site-packages\MoinMoin\", line 1213, in fail
   8     failure.handle(self)             
   9   File "C:/Supplements/MoinMoin/Lib/site-packages\MoinMoin\", line 145, in handle
  10     request.write('<pre>\n')
  11   File "C:/Supplements/MoinMoin/Lib/site-packages\MoinMoin\", line 1402, in write
  12     sys.stdout.write(self.encode(data))
  13 IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument

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