When you try to format a simple date with the Date-Macro, the error-message "Bad timestamp" appears instead of the date.
It is possible to enter the date in a format like this [[DateTime(2002-12-07T11:43:58)]], but why have I to enter a time when only the date should be displayd.
Test: <<Date: execution failed [Bad timestamp u'2004-05-29': invalid literal for float(): 2004-05-29] (see also the log)>>
This Wiki.
This is not really a bug, maybe rather a missing feature.
The date macro expects a full timestamp in the format as @DATE@ (and also TIME) would generate it.
Although it is called date, it describes a specific point in time (with granularity == 1 day) - the printed result could be even different days due to timezone differences.
A simple date formatting macro (displaying the same day-of-month number everywhere on the world, even if inaccurate) must work quite different.
- Priority: No bug.
Assigned to: ThomasWaldmann
- Will be fixed in release: -