The #deprecated pragma is not respected by the search.
Comment: WantedPages does also include links in deprecated pages.
Steps to reproduce
Search for a page text snippet that you can find on a deprecated page.
This wiki.
Ignore deprecated pages in the search result.
Why ignore those pages? they are not deleted. If the user the added that tag wanted to remove the page from the wiki, he could delete the page. Make more sense to give lower rank to results from those page, so they are sorted at the end.
- Because it worked like that, it is documented like that and some wikis depend on that.
Does this apply to WantedPages too? Is there a reason to create pages that were needed by deprecated pages?
IMHO WantedPages should not look at deprecated pages. -- AlexanderSchremmer 2005-05-19 22:02:29
In the future, when we have search results filtering by meta data, a switch to hide or show those pages in search results can be useful.
Should be easy if we refactor pi parsing out of send_page.
- Priority:
- Assigned to:
- Status: Fixed in 1.9 in revs aa598735a74a and 3f426468f743