Attachment 'PythonTraceback.txt'


   2 ZeroDivisionErrorfloat division	
   4 Please include this information in your bug reports!:
   5 Python Python 2.2.1: /usr/bin/python2.2
   6 Linux osdbugz 2.4.18-bf2.4 #1 Son Apr 14 09:53:28 CEST 2002 i686
   7 MoinMoin Release 1.2.2 [Revision 1.185]
   8 Tue Jul 13 17:54:59 2004
  11 A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
  13  /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/MoinMoin/ in run(self=<MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>)
  14   454             else:
  15   455                 try:
  16  >456                     cgitb.Hook(file=self).handle(saved_exc)
  17   457                     # was: cgitb.handler()
  18   458                 except:
  19 cgitb = <module '' from '/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/MoinMoin/support/'>, cgitb.Hook = <class>, file undefined, self = <MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>, ).handle undefined, saved_exc = (<class exceptions.ZeroDivisionError>, <exceptions.ZeroDivisionError instance>, <traceback object>)
  21  /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/MoinMoin/ in do_diff(pagename='CdcsMemoryUsage', request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>)
  22   294     if request.user.show_fancy_diff:
  23   295         from MoinMoin.util.diff import diff
  24  >296         request.write(diff(request, oldpage.get_raw_body(), newpage.get_raw_body()))
  25   297         newpage.send_page(request, count_hit=0, content_only=1, content_id="content-under-diff")
  26   298     else:
  27 request = <MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>, request.write = <bound method RequestCGI.write of <MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance at 0x814baac>>, diff = <function diff>, oldpage = <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, oldpage.get_raw_body = <bound method Page.get_raw_body of <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance at 0x8212ba4>>, newpage = <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, newpage.get_raw_body = <bound method Page.get_raw_body of <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance at 0x82e4fcc>>
  29  /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/MoinMoin/util/ in diff(request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>, old="== july 2004 ==\nMemory usage of CDCS seems to be...and indent your note (and sign with @''''''SIG@)\n", new="== july 2004 ==\n\nMemory usage of CDCS seems to b...and indent your note (and sign with @''''''SIG@)\n")
  30    94         charmatch = charobj.get_matching_blocks()
  31    95         
  32   >96         if charobj.ratio() < 0.5:
  33    97             # Insufficient similarity.
  34    98             if leftpane:
  35 charobj = <difflib.SequenceMatcher instance>, charobj.ratio = <bound method SequenceMatcher.ratio of <difflib.SequenceMatcher instance at 0x836a1c4>>
  37  /usr/lib/python2.2/ in ratio(self=<difflib.SequenceMatcher instance>)
  38   526         matches = reduce(lambda sum, triple: sum + triple[-1],
  39   527                          self.get_matching_blocks(), 0)
  40  >528         return 2.0 * matches / (len(self.a) + len(self.b))
  41   529 
  42   530     def quick_ratio(self):
  43 matches = 0, len undefined, self = <difflib.SequenceMatcher instance>, self.a = '', self.b = ''
  45 ZeroDivisionError: float division
  46       __doc__ = 'Second argument to a division or modulo operation was zero.'
  47       __getitem__ = <bound method ZeroDivisionError.__getitem__ of <exceptions.ZeroDivisionError instance at 0x8371724>>
  48       __init__ = <bound method ZeroDivisionError.__init__ of <exceptions.ZeroDivisionError instance at 0x8371724>>
  49       __module__ = 'exceptions'
  50       __str__ = <bound method ZeroDivisionError.__str__ of <exceptions.ZeroDivisionError instance at 0x8371724>>
  51       args = ('float division',)

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