A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the
sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the
order they occurred.
in run
(self=<MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI object>)
- 1176 pass
- 1177 except Exception, err:
- 1178 self.fail(err)
- 1179
- 1180 return self.finish()
- self
= <MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI object>
- self.fail
= <bound method RequestCGI.fail of <MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI object>>
- err
= <exceptions.ValueError instance>
in do_edit
(pagename=u'JavaProgramming', request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI object>)
- 659 except pg.SaveError, msg:
- 660 # msg contain a unicode string
- 661 savemsg = unicode(msg)
- 662
- 663 # Send new page after save or after unsuccessful conflict merge.
- savemsg undefined
- builtin
= <type 'unicode'>
- msg undefined
in saveText
(self=<MoinMoin.PageGraphicalEditor.PageGraphicalEditor instance>, newtext=u"= Installation =\nWhen installing JDK on Windows,... don't ever use SPACE in Windows. Space is evil.\n", rev=1, **kw={'comment': u'', 'trivial': 0})
- 921 # send notification mails
- 922 if self.request.cfg.mail_enabled:
- 923 msg = msg + self._notifySubscribers(comment, trivial)
- 924
- 925 if self.request.cfg.lupy_search:
- msg
= u'Thank you for your changes. Your attention to detail is appreciated.'
- self
= <MoinMoin.PageGraphicalEditor.PageGraphicalEditor instance>
- self._notifySubscribers
= <bound method PageGraphicalEditor._notifySubscri...ageGraphicalEditor.PageGraphicalEditor instance>>
- comment
= u''
- trivial
= 0
in _notifySubscribers
(self=<MoinMoin.PageGraphicalEditor.PageGraphicalEditor instance>, comment=u'', trivial=0)
- 568 emails = map(lambda u: u.email, subscribers[lang])
- 569 names = map(lambda u: u.name, subscribers[lang])
- 570 mailok, status = self._sendNotification(comment, emails, lang, revisions, trivial)
- 571 recipients = ", ".join(names)
- 572 results.append(_('[%(lang)s] %(recipients)s: %(status)s') % {
- mailok undefined
- status undefined
- self
= <MoinMoin.PageGraphicalEditor.PageGraphicalEditor instance>
- self._sendNotification
= <bound method PageGraphicalEditor._sendNotificat...ageGraphicalEditor.PageGraphicalEditor instance>>
- comment
= u''
- emails
= [u'zemiandeng@gmail.com']
- lang
= u'en'
- revisions
= [1]
- trivial
= 0
in _sendNotification
(self=<MoinMoin.PageGraphicalEditor.PageGraphicalEditor instance>, comment=u'', emails=[u'zemiandeng@gmail.com'], email_lang=u'en', revisions=[1], trivial=0)
- 545 'username': self.uid_override or user.getUserIdentification(self.request),
- 546 },
- 547 mailBody, mail_from=self.cfg.mail_from)
- 548
- 549
- mailBody
= u"Dear Wiki user,\n\nYou have subscribed to a wiki p... don't ever use SPACE in Windows. Space is evil.\n"
- mail_from undefined
- self
= <MoinMoin.PageGraphicalEditor.PageGraphicalEditor instance>
- self.cfg
= <wikiconfig.Config instance>
- self.cfg.mail_from
= u'wiki@jragonsoft.com'
in sendmail
(request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI object>, to=[u'zemiandeng@gmail.com'], subject='[JragonSoft Wiki] Update of "JavaProgramming" by', text="Dear Wiki user,\r\n\r\nYou have subscribed to a wiki...don't ever use SPACE in Windows. Space is evil.\r\n", **kw={'mail_from': u'wiki@jragonsoft.com'})
- 121 return (0, str(e))
- 122 except (os.error, socket.error), e:
- 123 return (0, _("Connection to mailserver '%(server)s' failed: %(reason)s") % {
- 124 'server': cfg.mail_smarthost,
- 125 'reason': str(e)
- _
= <function <lambda>>
- cfg
= <wikiconfig.Config instance>
- cfg.mail_smarthost
= 'mail.jragonsoft.com'
- builtin
= <type 'str'>
- e undefined