Formatting a text that is being formatted?!
If you want to report a bug, please save this page and attach it to your bug report.
A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
/srv/moin_tw/moin-productive/MoinMoin/request.py in run (self=<MoinMoin.request.RequestFastCGI object at 0xf4d719cc>)
- 1205 self.page.send_page(self, msg=msg)
- 1206 else:
- 1207 handler(self.page.page_name, self)
- 1208
- 1209 # generate page footer (actions that do not want this footer use
- handler = <function execute at 0x8721df4>
- self = <MoinMoin.request.RequestFastCGI object at 0xf4d719cc>
- self.page = <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance at 0xf4d70cec>
- self.page.page_name = u'RecentChanges'
/srv/moin_tw/moin-productive/MoinMoin/action/fullsearch.py in execute (pagename=u'RecentChanges', request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestFastCGI object at 0xf4d719cc>, fieldname='value', titlesearch=1)
- 107
- 108 # First search stats
- 109 request.write(results.stats(request, request.formatter))
- 110
- 111 # Then search results
- request = <MoinMoin.request.RequestFastCGI object at 0xf4d719cc>
- request.write = <bound method RequestFastCGI.write of <MoinMoin.request.RequestFastCGI object at 0xf4d719cc>>
- results = <MoinMoin.search.SearchResults instance at 0xf4d711ac>
- results.stats = <bound method SearchResults.stats of <MoinMoin.search.SearchResults instance at 0xf4d711ac>>
- request.formatter = <MoinMoin.formatter.text_html.Formatter instance at 0xf4d70fac>
/srv/moin_tw/moin-productive/MoinMoin/search.py in stats (self=<MoinMoin.search.SearchResults instance at 0xf4d711ac>, request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestFastCGI object at 0xf4d719cc>, formatter=<MoinMoin.formatter.text_html.Formatter instance at 0xf4d70fac>)
- 787 output = [
- 788 formatter.paragraph(1),
- 789 formatter.text(_("%(hits)d results out of about %(pages)d pages.") %
- 790 {'hits': len(self.hits), 'pages': self.pages}),
- 791 u' (%s)' % formatter.text(_("%.2f seconds") % self.elapsed),
- formatter = <MoinMoin.formatter.text_html.Formatter instance at 0xf4d70fac>
- formatter.text = <bound method Formatter.text of <MoinMoin.formatter.text_html.Formatter instance at 0xf4d70fac>>
- _ = <function <lambda> at 0xf4d8479c>
- builtin len = <built-in function len>
- self = <MoinMoin.search.SearchResults instance at 0xf4d711ac>
- self.hits = [<MoinMoin.search.FoundPage instance at 0xf4d780ac>, <MoinMoin.search.FoundPage instance at 0xf4d7804c>, <MoinMoin.search.FoundPage instance at 0xf4d781ac>, <MoinMoin.search.FoundPage instance at 0xf4d7844c>, <MoinMoin.search.FoundPage instance at 0xf4d7812c>, <MoinMoin.search.FoundPage instance at 0xf4d7846c>, <MoinMoin.search.FoundPage instance at 0xf4d7818c>, <MoinMoin.search.FoundPage instance at 0xf4d781ec>, <MoinMoin.search.FoundPage instance at 0xf4d7828c>, <MoinMoin.search.FoundPage instance at 0xf4d782ec>, <MoinMoin.search.FoundPage instance at 0xf4d7808c>, <MoinMoin.search.FoundPage instance at 0xf4d7814c>, <MoinMoin.search.FoundPage instance at 0xf4d7842c>, <MoinMoin.search.FoundPage instance at 0xf4d782cc>, <MoinMoin.search.FoundPage instance at 0xf4d7816c>, <MoinMoin.search.FoundPage instance at 0xf4d780cc>, <MoinMoin.search.FoundPage instance at 0xf4d7824c>]
- self.pages = 6045
/srv/moin_tw/moin-productive/MoinMoin/request.py in
(text='%(hits)d results out of about %(pages)d pages.', i18n=<module 'MoinMoin.i18n' from '/srv/moin_tw/moin-productive/MoinMoin/i18n/__init__.py'>, request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestFastCGI object at 0xf4d719cc>, lang=u'en', **kv={}) - 211 # but generated content like search results should use the user language.
- 212 self.content_lang = self.cfg.language_default
- 213 self.getText = lambda text, i18n=self.i18n, request=self, lang=self.lang, **kv: i18n.getText(text, request, lang, kv.get('formatted', True))
- 214
- 215 self.reset()
- self undefined
- text = '%(hits)d results out of about %(pages)d pages.'
- i18n = <module 'MoinMoin.i18n' from '/srv/moin_tw/moin-productive/MoinMoin/i18n/__init__.py'>
- request = <MoinMoin.request.RequestFastCGI object at 0xf4d719cc>
- lang = u'en'
- kv = {}
- i18n.getText = <function getText at 0xf7a5e4c4>
- kv.get = <built-in method get of dict object at 0xf6460d74>
- builtin True = True
/srv/moin_tw/moin-productive/MoinMoin/i18n/__init__.py in getText (str='%(hits)d results out of about %(pages)d pages.', request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestFastCGI object at 0xf4d719cc>, lang=u'en', formatted=True)
- 285 trans = getText(str, request, 'en', formatted)
- 286 elif formatted:
- 287 trans = formatMarkup(request, str)
- 288
- 289 return trans
- trans = '%(hits)d results out of about %(pages)d pages.'
- global formatMarkup = <function formatMarkup at 0xf7a5e09c>
- request = <MoinMoin.request.RequestFastCGI object at 0xf4d719cc>
- str = '%(hits)d results out of about %(pages)d pages.'
/srv/moin_tw/moin-productive/MoinMoin/i18n/__init__.py in formatMarkup (request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestFastCGI object at 0xf4d719cc>, text='%(hits)d results out of about %(pages)d pages.', currentStack=['%(hits)d results out of about %(pages)d pages.'])
- 70 try:
- 71 currentStack.index(text)
- 72 raise Exception("Formatting a text that is being formatted?!")
- 73 except ValueError:
- 74 pass
- builtin Exception = <type 'exceptions.Exception'>
Formatting a text that is being formatted?!
- args = ('Formatting a text that is being formatted?!',)
- message = 'Formatting a text that is being formatted?!'
System Details
- Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2007 12:38:43 +0000
- Platform: Linux web.thinkmo.de 2.6.20-thinkmo-1 #1 SMP Sat Feb 17 13:11:11 UTC 2007 x86_64
- Python: Python 2.5 (/usr/bin/python2.5)
- MoinMoin: Release 1.5.8 (99615881d405 tip)