Attachment 'Traceback.txt'


   1 IOError
   2 [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
   4 If you want to report a bug, please save this page and attach it to your bug report.
   6 Show debugging information Report bug Visit MoinMoin wiki 
   7 Traceback
   8 A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
  10 d:\python24\Lib\site-packages\MoinMoin\ in run (self=<MoinMoin.request.RequestStandAlone object>)
  12 1033 # Visit pagename 
  13 1034 = Page(self, pagename) 
  14 1035, count_hit=1) 
  15 1036 
  16 1037 # generate page footer (actions that do not want this footer 
  17 self = <MoinMoin.request.RequestStandAlone object> = <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance> = <bound method Page.send_page of <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>> count_hit undefined 
  18 d:\python24\Lib\site-packages\MoinMoin\ in send_page (self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestStandAlone object>, msg='', **keywords={'count_hit': 1})
  20 1139 if page_exists: 
  21 1140 if not request.cacheable or request.user.valid: 
  22 1141 request.http_headers(request.nocache) 
  23 1142 else: 
  24 1143 # use the correct last-modified value from the on-disk file 
  25 request = <MoinMoin.request.RequestStandAlone object> request.http_headers = <bound method RequestStandAlone.http_headers of <MoinMoin.request.RequestStandAlone object>> request.nocache = ['Pragma: no-cache', 'Cache-Control: no-cache', 'Expires: -1'] 
  26 d:\python24\Lib\site-packages\MoinMoin\ in http_headers (self=<MoinMoin.request.RequestStandAlone object>, more_headers=['Pragma: no-cache', 'Cache-Control: no-cache', 'Expires: -1'])
  28 1744 break 
  29 1745 # send response 
  30 1746 self.sareq.send_response(our_status) 
  31 1747 
  32 1748 # send http headers 
  33 self = <MoinMoin.request.RequestStandAlone object> self.sareq = <MoinMoin.server.standalone.MoinRequestHandler instance> self.sareq.send_response = <bound method MoinRequestHandler.send_response o...n.server.standalone.MoinRequestHandler instance>> our_status = 200 
  34 D:\Python24\lib\ in send_response (self=<MoinMoin.server.standalone.MoinRequestHandler instance>, code=200, message=None)
  36 358 
  37 359 """ 
  38 360 self.log_request(code) 
  39 361 if message is None: 
  40 362 if code in self.responses: 
  41 self = <MoinMoin.server.standalone.MoinRequestHandler instance> self.log_request = <bound method MoinRequestHandler.log_request of ...n.server.standalone.MoinRequestHandler instance>> code = 200 
  42 D:\Python24\lib\ in log_request (self=<MoinMoin.server.standalone.MoinRequestHandler instance>, code=200, size='-')
  44 395 
  45 396 self.log_message('"%s" %s %s', 
  46 397 self.requestline, str(code), str(size)) 
  47 398 
  48 399 def log_error(self, *args): 
  49 self = <MoinMoin.server.standalone.MoinRequestHandler instance> self.requestline = 'GET /HelpForBeginners HTTP/1.1' builtin str = <type 'str'> code = 200 size = '-' 
  50 D:\Python24\lib\ in log_message (self=<MoinMoin.server.standalone.MoinRequestHandler instance>, format='"%s" %s %s', *args=('GET /HelpForBeginners HTTP/1.1', '200', '-'))
  52 428 """ 
  53 429 
  54 430 sys.stderr.write("%s - - [%s] %s\n" % 
  55 431 (self.address_string(), 
  56 432 self.log_date_time_string(), 
  57 global sys = <module 'sys' (built-in)> sys.stderr = <open file '<stderr>', mode 'w'> sys.stderr.write = <built-in method write of file object> self = <MoinMoin.server.standalone.MoinRequestHandler instance> self.address_string = <bound method MoinRequestHandler.address_string ...n.server.standalone.MoinRequestHandler instance>> self.log_date_time_string = <bound method MoinRequestHandler.log_date_time_s...n.server.standalone.MoinRequestHandler instance>> format = '"%s" %s %s' args = ('GET /HelpForBeginners HTTP/1.1', '200', '-') 
  58 IOError
  59 [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
  61 args = (9, 'Bad file descriptor') 
  62 errno = 9 
  63 filename = None 
  64 strerror = 'Bad file descriptor' 
  65 System Details
  66 Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2006 16:20:04 +0000 
  67 Platform: win32 (nt) 
  68 Python: Python 2.4.2 (d:\python24\pythonw.exe) 
  69 MoinMoin: Release 1.5.1 (release) 

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