The GetVal Documentation uses NeatSnipplets as an example for GetVal, but GetVal seems to work only with Pages that end in Dict, please document this. I tried to edit this in the moin moin master, but the help pages there cannot be edited by me (I even created an user account).
Steps to reproduce
Read the help, try to use GetVal and fail unless you are referencing a page that ends with Dict
This should output ''Definition'': [[GetVal(WikiSandBox,Term)]]
This should output Definition: Definition
Component selection
- documentation
This Wiki
There is no workaround against bad documentation imho.
Please read EditingOnMoinMaster and help us fixing documentations.
the page ending of Dict is defined in your wiki configuration with the var page_dict_regex. The default regex used is u'[a-z0-9]Dict$' see HelpOnConfiguration. And this dependency is described at HelpOnDictionaries linked from HelpOnVariables.
That description was fixed by ThiloPfennig on MoinMaster (MoinMaster describes currently 1.6).
-- ReimarBauer 2007-09-08 08:01:20
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