Links to grandparent pages don't work properly. In general every parent page beyond the first is not recognized properly. Thus relative links beyond the first parent are not possible.
Actually I don't know whether this is considered a feature. For someone who like nested structures which can be moved around easily it is certainly a bug. -- StefanMerten 2006-08-27 19:29:51
How much was this patch tested in a production wiki? -- ThomasWaldmann 2006-09-09 00:35:51
It is active in this Wiki. Or see an example for a couple of examples (which now work better than before). -- StefanMerten 2006-09-20 18:33:02
- Did you also test with the GUI editor?
Nope. -- StefanMerten 2006-11-11 16:36:42
- Did you also test with the GUI editor?
Steps to reproduce
Just put a link ../../ on a page three levels deep. It won't end up on the grandparent properly.
MoinMoin Version |
Any |
OS and Version |
Python Version |
Server Setup |
Server Details |
Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences) |
The following two patches (against V1.5.4) allow for abritrary parent page steps:
*** MoinMoin/ Sun Jun 25 14:17:29 2006 --- MoinMoin/ Sun Aug 27 21:07:03 2006 *************** *** 749,755 **** @return: the absolute page name """ if pagename.startswith(PARENT_PREFIX): ! pagename = '/'.join(filter(None, context.split('/')[:-1] + [pagename[PARENT_PREFIX_LEN:]])) elif pagename.startswith(CHILD_PREFIX): pagename = context + '/' + pagename[CHILD_PREFIX_LEN:] return pagename --- 749,758 ---- @return: the absolute page name """ if pagename.startswith(PARENT_PREFIX): ! while context and pagename.startswith(PARENT_PREFIX): ! context = '/'.join(context.split('/')[:-1]) ! pagename = pagename[PARENT_PREFIX_LEN:] ! pagename = '/'.join(filter(None, [ context, pagename, ])) elif pagename.startswith(CHILD_PREFIX): pagename = context + '/' + pagename[CHILD_PREFIX_LEN:] return pagename
*** MoinMoin/parser/ Thu May 11 18:24:00 2006 --- MoinMoin/parser/ Sun Aug 27 21:08:09 2006 *************** *** 41,47 **** 'u': config.chars_upper, 'l': config.chars_lower, 'subpages': wikiutil.CHILD_PREFIX + '?', ! 'parent': ur'(?:%s)?' % re.escape(PARENT_PREFIX), } url_rule = ur'%(url_guard)s(%(url)s)\:([^\s\<%(punct)s]|([%(punct)s][^\s\<%(punct)s]))+' % { 'url_guard': u'(^|(?<!\w))', --- 41,47 ---- 'u': config.chars_upper, 'l': config.chars_lower, 'subpages': wikiutil.CHILD_PREFIX + '?', ! 'parent': ur'(?:%s)*' % re.escape(PARENT_PREFIX), } url_rule = ur'%(url_guard)s(%(url)s)\:([^\s\<%(punct)s]|([%(punct)s][^\s\<%(punct)s]))+' % { 'url_guard': u'(^|(?<!\w))', *************** *** 335,341 **** if word.startswith(wikiutil.PARENT_PREFIX): if not text: text = word ! word = '/'.join(filter(None,'/')[:-1] + [word[wikiutil.PARENT_PREFIX_LEN:]])) if not text: # if a simple, self-referencing link, emit it as plain text --- 335,341 ---- if word.startswith(wikiutil.PARENT_PREFIX): if not text: text = word ! word = wikiutil.AbsPageName(self.request,, word) if not text: # if a simple, self-referencing link, emit it as plain text
- Priority:
- Assigned to:
- Status:
- wikiutil fixed in 1.7 branch
- wiki parser fixed in 1.7-newlinkmarkup branch
- fixes backported to 1.6