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max() arg is an empty sequence
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A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
/mnt/ramdisk/1.8-guieditor-mbyeongweon/MoinMoin/request/ in run (self=<MoinMoin.request.request_standalone.Request object at 0x19d74d0>)
- 1305
- 1306 else:
- 1307 handler(, self)
- 1308
- 1309 # every action that didn't use to raise MoinMoinFinish must call this now:
- handler = <function execute at 0xaef9b0>
- self = <MoinMoin.request.request_standalone.Request object at 0x19d74d0>
- = <MoinMoin.Page.Page object at 0x19d7250>
- = u'ReimarBauer/UnderConstruction'
/mnt/ramdisk/1.8-guieditor-mbyeongweon/MoinMoin/action/ in execute (pagename=u'ReimarBauer/UnderConstruction', request=<MoinMoin.request.request_standalone.Request object at 0x19d74d0>)
- 95 converter_name = 'undefined' # XXX we don't have other converters yet
- 96 convert = wikiutil.importPlugin(request.cfg, "converter", converter_name, 'convert')
- 97 savetext = convert(request, pagename, savetext)
- 98
- 99 # IMPORTANT: normalize text from the form. This should be done in
- savetext = u'<pre class="comment">\r\n#pragma supplementation-p...67"></p><hr class="hr1" /><p class="line874"></p>'
- convert = <function convert at 0x1245320>
- request = <MoinMoin.request.request_standalone.Request object at 0x19d74d0>
- pagename = u'ReimarBauer/UnderConstruction'
/mnt/ramdisk/1.8-guieditor-mbyeongweon/MoinMoin/converter/ in convert (request=<MoinMoin.request.request_standalone.Request object at 0x19d74d0>, pagename=u'ReimarBauer/UnderConstruction', text=u'<page xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:...><hr class="hr1" /><p class="line874"></p></page>')
- 1380 tree = parse(request, text)
- 1381 strip_whitespace().do(tree)
- 1382 text = convert_tree(request, pagename).do(tree)
- 1383 text = '\n'.join([s.rstrip() for s in text.splitlines()] + ['']) # remove trailing blanks
- 1384 return text
- text = u'<page xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:...><hr class="hr1" /><p class="line874"></p></page>'
- global convert_tree = <class 'MoinMoin.converter.text_html_text_moin_wiki.convert_tree'>
- request = <MoinMoin.request.request_standalone.Request object at 0x19d74d0>
- pagename = u'ReimarBauer/UnderConstruction'
- ).do undefined
- tree = <xml.dom.minidom.Document instance at 0x12d5a28>
/mnt/ramdisk/1.8-guieditor-mbyeongweon/MoinMoin/converter/ in do (self=<MoinMoin.converter.text_html_text_moin_wiki.convert_tree object at 0x1254890>, tree=<xml.dom.minidom.Document instance at 0x12d5a28>)
- 460 self.depth = 0
- 461 self.text = []
- 462 self.visit(tree.documentElement)
- 463 self.check_whitespace()
- 464 return ''.join(self.text)
- self = <MoinMoin.converter.text_html_text_moin_wiki.convert_tree object at 0x1254890>
- self.visit = <bound method convert_tree.visit of < object at 0x1254890>>
- tree = <xml.dom.minidom.Document instance at 0x12d5a28>
- tree.documentElement = <DOM Element: page at 0x19e4d88>
/mnt/ramdisk/1.8-guieditor-mbyeongweon/MoinMoin/converter/ in visit (self=<MoinMoin.converter.text_html_text_moin_wiki.convert_tree object at 0x1254890>, node=<DOM Element: page at 0x19e4d88>)
- 406 nodeType = node.nodeType
- 407 if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
- 408 return self.visit_element(node)
- 409 elif node.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
- 410 return self.visit_attribute(node)
- self = <MoinMoin.converter.text_html_text_moin_wiki.convert_tree object at 0x1254890>
- self.visit_element = <bound method convert_tree.visit_element of <Moi...text_moin_wiki.convert_tree object at 0x1254890>>
- node = <DOM Element: page at 0x19e4d88>
/mnt/ramdisk/1.8-guieditor-mbyeongweon/MoinMoin/converter/ in visit_element (self=<MoinMoin.converter.text_html_text_moin_wiki.convert_tree object at 0x1254890>, node=<DOM Element: page at 0x19e4d88>)
- 512 func = getattr(self, "process_%s" % name, None)
- 513 if func:
- 514 func(node)
- 515 else:
- 516 self.process_inline(node)
- func = <bound method convert_tree.process_page of <Moin...text_moin_wiki.convert_tree object at 0x1254890>>
- node = <DOM Element: page at 0x19e4d88>
/mnt/ramdisk/1.8-guieditor-mbyeongweon/MoinMoin/converter/ in process_page (self=<MoinMoin.converter.text_html_text_moin_wiki.convert_tree object at 0x1254890>, node=<DOM Element: page at 0x19e4d88>)
- 555 for i in node.childNodes:
- 556 if i.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
- 557 self.visit_element(i)
- 558 elif i.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE: # if this is missing, all std text under a headline is dropped!
- 559 txt = # IMPORTANT: don't leave this unstripped or there will be wrong blanks
- self = <MoinMoin.converter.text_html_text_moin_wiki.convert_tree object at 0x1254890>
- self.visit_element = <bound method convert_tree.visit_element of <Moi...text_moin_wiki.convert_tree object at 0x1254890>>
- i = <DOM Element: pre at 0x19e5fc8>
/mnt/ramdisk/1.8-guieditor-mbyeongweon/MoinMoin/converter/ in visit_element (self=<MoinMoin.converter.text_html_text_moin_wiki.convert_tree object at 0x1254890>, node=<DOM Element: pre at 0x19e5fc8>)
- 512 func = getattr(self, "process_%s" % name, None)
- 513 if func:
- 514 func(node)
- 515 else:
- 516 self.process_inline(node)
- func = <bound method convert_tree.process_pre of <MoinM...text_moin_wiki.convert_tree object at 0x1254890>>
- node = <DOM Element: pre at 0x19e5fc8>
/mnt/ramdisk/1.8-guieditor-mbyeongweon/MoinMoin/converter/ in process_pre (self=<MoinMoin.converter.text_html_text_moin_wiki.convert_tree object at 0x1254890>, node=<DOM Element: pre at 0x19e5fc8>)
- 900
- 901 def process_pre(self, node):
- 902 self.process_preformatted_item(node)
- 903 self.text.append(self.new_line)
- 904
- self = <MoinMoin.converter.text_html_text_moin_wiki.convert_tree object at 0x1254890>
- self.process_preformatted_item = <bound method convert_tree.process_preformatted_...text_moin_wiki.convert_tree object at 0x1254890>>
- node = <DOM Element: pre at 0x19e5fc8>
/mnt/ramdisk/1.8-guieditor-mbyeongweon/MoinMoin/converter/ in process_preformatted_item (self=<MoinMoin.converter.text_html_text_moin_wiki.convert_tree object at 0x1254890>, node=<DOM Element: pre at 0x19e5fc8>)
- 925 if i.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
- 926 # get longest pre tag({{{) from content
- 927 longest_inner_formater = max([longest_inner_formater, max(re.compile("(?u){+").findall(])
- 928 content_buffer.append(
- 929 #print "'%s'" %
- longest_inner_formater = ''
- builtin max = <built-in function max>
- global re = <module 're' from '/usr/lib64/python2.5/re.pyc'>
- re.compile = <function compile at 0x2b0721a9d230>
- ).findall undefined
- i = <DOM Text node " #!wiki bl...">
- = u'\n#!wiki blue\n\nThis text was written for a [[http...t: 2007-2008 MoinMoin:ReimarBauer\n\n@license: GPL\n'
max() arg is an empty sequence
- args = ('max() arg is an empty sequence',)
- message = 'max() arg is an empty sequence'
System Details
- Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2008 06:33:35 +0000
- Platform: Linux localhost #1 SMP Sun Feb 10 22:48:05 UTC 2008 x86_64
- Python: Python 2.5 (/usr/bin/python)
- MoinMoin: Release 1.8.0 (alpha)
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