
Editing a page in the GUI editor will cause the display text of wiki links to disappear. It seems to handle url-type links just fine, but not the alternate link syntax that allows the aliasing of wiki links.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Edit a page (/testing for example) in Text mode. Add the following link:

     * [:MoinMoinBugs:Bugs main page]
  2. Click the GUI Mode button to switch to the GUI editor. Note that the link looks correct in the GUI window at this point (meaning that the GUI editor is able to comprehend the alternate text...)

  3. Save the page, or switch back to Text mode. The markup has changed to simply:
     * MoinMoinBugs


MoinMoin Version


OS and Version

Windows XP



Just tested it on this Wiki, and it appears to be fixed now in 1.5.3-rc1. Perhaps this bug report should be left here anyway, to let people know that the problem will be fixed by this version? -- SteveDavison 2006-03-27 21:53:34



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/GuiEditorRemovesAlternateTextFromLinks (last edited 2007-10-29 19:07:19 by localhost)