Moin HTTP auth fails when doing a POST in CGI, because REMOTE_USER isn't passed in the request environment.
Tested with Apache2 and Moin 1.5.2, workaround available (see below).
- Does this bug occur with other server protocols like fastcgi and modpy?
- Does it occur with Apache1?
Steps to reproduce
- configure moin 1.5 for use with CGI (tested with apache2)
- configure http as auth method
- login
- edit a page
It's possible to add cookie to the chain of auth modules that is used. This way Moin will fall back to cookie auth for POSTs. The cookie will be set in GETs.
A change is required to the http auth function to set the cookie. Change the last lines to (or create a new auth function):
if u and u.valid: request.user = u # this line is new request.setCookie() # this line is new return u, False else: return None, True
And change the auth line in your config to:
auth = [myhttp, moin_cookie]
Please add more detail (exact apache version, operating system, browser used).
- Priority:
- Assigned to:
- Status: This looks like an apache bug. Please report it there.