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len() of unsized object

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A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

  1. /srv/moin_tw/moin-test17/MoinMoin/request/__init__.py in run (self=<MoinMoin.request.request_cgi.Request object>)

    1. 1258 self.page.send_page(msg=msg)
    2. 1259 else:
    3. 1260 handler(self.page.page_name, self)
    4. 1261
    5. 1262 # every action that didn't use to raise MoinMoinFinish must call this now:
    • handler = <function execute>
    • self = <MoinMoin.request.request_cgi.Request object>
    • self.page = <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>
    • self.page.page_name = u'J\xe4rjestelm\xe4Tiedot'
  2. /srv/moin_tw/moin-test17/MoinMoin/action/info.py in execute (pagename=u'J\xe4rjestelm\xe4Tiedot', request=<MoinMoin.request.request_cgi.Request object>)

    1. 206 if show_hitcounts:
    2. 207 from MoinMoin.stats import hitcounts
    3. 208 request.write(hitcounts.linkto(pagename, request, 'page=' + wikiutil.url_quote_plus(pagename)))
    4. 209 elif show_general:
    5. 210 general(page, pagename, request)
    • request = <MoinMoin.request.request_cgi.Request object>
    • request.write = <bound method Request.write of <MoinMoin.request.request_cgi.Request object>>
    • hitcounts = <module 'MoinMoin.stats.hitcounts' from '/srv/moin_tw/moin-test17/MoinMoin/stats/hitcounts.pyc'>
    • hitcounts.linkto = <function linkto>
    • pagename = u'J\xe4rjestelm\xe4Tiedot'
    • global wikiutil = <module 'MoinMoin.wikiutil' from '/srv/moin_tw/moin-test17/MoinMoin/wikiutil.pyc'>
    • wikiutil.url_quote_plus = <function url_quote_plus>
  3. /srv/moin_tw/moin-test17/MoinMoin/stats/hitcounts.py in linkto (pagename=u'J\xe4rjestelm\xe4Tiedot', request=<MoinMoin.request.request_cgi.Request object>, params='page=J%C3%A4rjestelm%C3%A4Tiedot')

    1. 24
    2. 25 if not request.cfg.chart_options:
    3. 26 return text(pagename, request, params)
    4. 27
    5. 28 if _debug:
    • global text = <function text>
    • pagename = u'J\xe4rjestelm\xe4Tiedot'
    • request = <MoinMoin.request.request_cgi.Request object>
    • params = 'page=J%C3%A4rjestelm%C3%A4Tiedot'
  4. /srv/moin_tw/moin-test17/MoinMoin/stats/hitcounts.py in text (pagename=u'J\xe4rjestelm\xe4Tiedot', request=<MoinMoin.request.request_cgi.Request object>, params='J%C3%A4rjestelm%C3%A4Tiedot')

    1. 181 table = DataBrowserWidget(request)
    2. 182 table.setData(hits)
    3. 183 return table.toHTML()
    4. 184
    5. 185
    • table = <MoinMoin.widget.browser.DataBrowserWidget instance>
    • table.toHTML = <bound method DataBrowserWidget.format of <MoinMoin.widget.browser.DataBrowserWidget instance>>
  5. /srv/moin_tw/moin-1.7-main/MoinMoin/widget/browser.py in format (self=<MoinMoin.widget.browser.DataBrowserWidget instance>)

    1. 122 self.data.reset()
    2. 123 row = self.data.next()
    3. 124 filters = [None] * len(row)
    4. 125
    5. 126 if havefilters:
    • filters undefined
    • builtin None = None
    • builtin len = <built-in function len>
    • row = None


len() of unsized object

  • args = ('len() of unsized object',)

System Details

  • Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2007 15:38:36 +0000
  • Platform: Linux web.thinkmo.de 2.6.20-thinkmo-1 #1 SMP Sat Feb 17 13:11:11 UTC 2007 x86_64
  • Python: Python 2.4.4 (/usr/bin/python)
  • MoinMoin: Release 1.7.0alpha (release)