I use the desktop version of moin moin (1.5.5a-1.exe). And want to use my own pictures/images in a htdocs/Images folder.
I create a Image folder in htdocs, add pictures and use the statements below for linking to the images:
attachment:wiki/Images/quest.jpg doesn't work
- result: Neuen Dateianhang "quest.jpg" hochladen
links to: http://localhost:8081/wiki/Images?action=AttachFile&rename=quest.jpg
this can't work! attachment is always connected to the wiki instance and not to any other Alias on your webserver
[[ImageLink(wiki/Images/quest.jpg)]] doesn't work
- result: Neuen Dateianhang "quest.jpg"" hochladen
links to: http://localhost:8081/wiki/Images?action=AttachFile&rename=quest.jpg
this can't work! attachments are always connected to the wiki instance and not to any other Alias on your webserver
what works is the: [[ImageLink(http://localhost:8081/wiki/Images/quest.jpg)]]
- result image is displayed
links to: http://localhost:8081/wiki/Images/quest.jpg
right syntax here
However, i do not want to place the complete url !
ok, let's see what could be done, I do accept this wish as a feature request. -- ReimarBauer 2006-11-10 18:59:03
Steps to reproduce
create an subdir Images in the htdocs folder
- copy your images to that dir.
- try to link to the images from a wikipage via the examples above.
only by giving the full http:... address the images are loaded inline. In all other cases only "upload mypic.jpg" with very strange links appear. Similar to MoinMoinBugs/ImageLinkToAttachmentBroken , however the images are NOT displayed!
sorry can't access your htdocs folder.
MoinMoin Version |
1.5.5a-1.exe Desktop edition |
OS and Version |
Python Version |
included |
Server Setup |
standalone |
Server Details |
as included, changed port |
Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences) |
german |
what works is the [[ImageLink(http://localhost:8081/wiki/Images/quest.jpg)]]
correct syntax, it's not a workaround
What does work for me is this: I.e. just putting the link (without full address, but starting with http: and a single /). -- Allefant 2006-11-09 15:22:41
Either use normal attachments to pages (attachment:photo.jpg or http links). You are trying to do stuff that is not supported and can't work that way.
- do you mean:
neither works for me
See my example above. For example, you have an image called /MoinMoinBugs/ImageLinkToAttachmentBroken?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=moindude.png, relative to your server address. And you want that if you click it, it opens the page Then it would look like this:
But in fact, it's quite counter-intuitive, and I would also have expected the ImageLink macro to work in the same way, so I agree, this should be fixed. -- Allefant 2006-11-10 13:22:35
That is a different description as the one above: Sorry, may be my load is to high at the moment. I am not sure if I understand that right here, e.g.
gives the following result. That behaviour is correct or ? BR
Please use this example to show me what is wrong if you disagree. -- ReimarBauer 2006-11-10 18:51:36
to ReimarBauer:
- I can only comment that the systax looks ok and it works
- Nevertheless it is not what i want to do.
I think Allefant got me wrong. I do not want icons to link to pages.
- I want selfdefined icons/images to be accessable in an easy way e.g.
/!\ shows
for me it would be nice to extend that eg /?\
- or simply link to an image
without using a full url of my server ( e.g. images stored in a htdocs folder)
without the hastle to upload all images to the wiki manually (one at a time)
Workaround would be as described below:
upload all files to one ImagePage and "link" to them viaattachment:ImagePage/myimage.jpg
If a simple link to an image in the htdocs folder is not possible, nor wanted, we can close this "Bug".
If it's possible to manipulate/extend the /!\ syntax, please advise. -- MatthiasMohr 2006-11-13
Check MoinMoin/ -- ReimarBauer 2006-11-13 17:53:23
Not present in Desktop version.
-- MatthiasMohr 2006-11-14 09:11:23
it's there or may be you have a different path (I looked into the DE of 1.5.4)
You can search for smile.png in all your py files, so you'll find the right one. -- ReimarBauer 2006-11-14 12:59:31
No such directory in the moin-desktop-1.5.5a-1.exe desktop version. For the one you propose I would need Python installed, which I can not do
-- MatthiasMohr 2006-11-14 16:14:31
ok, bad situation. For the moment only a Dict page is usefull, where you could setup all your images. Then you could adress them by @ I1 @ without the blanks. If that var is defined on your Dict page as I1: : attach...:Name/i1.png (please complete attachment and remove the blanks) and the image is there. I do use it here with my ReimarBauer/MyDict Page.
The var is by saving expaned to the att.. text automaticly. -- ReimarBauer 2006-11-14 17:10:55 See your point, however:
- i have several wiki pages which use common icons/images.
- i do not want to upload the icons to every page or subpage.
i can not put them in the theme and address them by a shortcut as /!\ to it, as i work with the compiled windows version and can not access the .py files
I dont use ImageLink personally (but maybe someone else can comment on that). But why don't you use something like attachment:CommonPage/image.png ? or If it's to much typing think on using a dict, for an example ReimarBauer/MyDict. The syntax in your examples for ImageLink looks wrong.
- Priority:
- Assigned to:
- Status: incorrect usage, no bug