- Python Version
- 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jul 31 2008, 17:31:22) [GCC 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)]
- MoinMoin Version
- Release 1.8.0beta2 [Revision release]
- 4Suite Version
- 1.0.2
- Active threads
- 11
- Testpage
- MoinAPI/Beispiele
Server response
- Page.execute = 0.941s
base__init__ = 0.032s
- getACL = 0.001s
- i18n_init = 0.000s
- load_multi_cfg = 0.000s
- run = 0.978s
- send_page = 0.977s
- send_page_content = 0.943s
- send_page_content|1 = 0.479s
- send_page|1 = 0.479s
- total = 1.010s
browser acccessible after load
- ie6
- 75 sec (ie6 thinks there is a bug in the html code)
- ff 3.0.1
- 1 sec
- opera 9.0
- 1 sec
patch applied browser acccessible after load
- ie6
- 2 sec (ie6 thinks there is a bug in the html code)
- ff 3.0.1
- 1 sec
- opera 9.0
- 1 sec