
The MonthCalendar macro does not respect acl settings of the daypages: your are not able to view the page however the tooltips displayed in MonthCalendar macro gives you a nice overview about a person's planned activities at a day. This is not so much a threat for PIM usage, this is an issue for intranet usage, where people organize themselves with the macro, however hide the daypages as their personal pages against access by other users.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Set up as UserA a daypage and protect it manually by some acls, which don't allow other users to look at this page
  2. Put some h1 entries on that calendarpage
  3. Log in as another user, e.g. UserB.
  4. Try to look at the page. This doesn't work because of the acls.
  5. Simply set up a MonthCalendar macro somewhere as UserB and change the basepage to UserA.

  6. Make sure that javascript is enabled and browse with the tooltip the calendarentries


Component selection


MoinMoin Version

OS and Version

Python Version

Server Setup

Server Details

Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences)


Here's a patch for that:

   1 ---	2007-04-02 19:29:04.000000000 +0200
   2 +++	2007-04-02 19:37:46.000000000 +0200
   3 @@ -376,6 +376,7 @@
   5      maketip_js = []
   6      restrn = []
   7 +    onmouse = {}
   8      for week in monthcal:
   9          restdn = []
  10          for wkday in r7:
  11 @@ -393,20 +394,21 @@
  12                      csslink = "cal-usedday"
  13                      query = {}
  14                      r, g, b, u = (255, 0, 0, 1)
  15 -                    daycontent = daypage.get_raw_body()
  16 -                    header1_re = re.compile(r'^\s*=\s(.*)\s=$', re.MULTILINE) # re.UNICODE
  17 -                    titletext = []
  18 -                    for match in header1_re.finditer(daycontent):
  19 -                        if match:
  20 -                            title =
  21 -                            title = wikiutil.escape(title).replace("'", "\\'")
  22 -                            titletext.append(title)
  23 -                    tipname = link
  24 -                    tiptitle = link
  25 -                    tiptext = '<br>'.join(titletext)
  26 -                    maketip_js.append("maketip('%s','%s','%s');" % (tipname, tiptitle, tiptext))
  27 -                    onmouse = {'onMouseOver': "tip('%s')" % tipname,
  28 -                               'onMouseOut': "untip()"}
  29 +                    if
  30 +                        daycontent = daypage.get_raw_body()
  31 +                        header1_re = re.compile(r'^\s*=\s(.*)\s=$', re.MULTILINE) # re.UNICODE
  32 +                        titletext = []
  33 +                        for match in header1_re.finditer(daycontent):
  34 +                            if match:
  35 +                                title =
  36 +                                title = wikiutil.escape(title).replace("'", "\\'")
  37 +                                titletext.append(title)
  38 +                        tipname = link
  39 +                        tiptitle = link
  40 +                        tiptext = '<br>'.join(titletext)
  41 +                        maketip_js.append("maketip('%s','%s','%s');" % (tipname, tiptitle, tiptext))
  42 +                        onmouse = {'onMouseOver': "tip('%s')" % tipname,
  43 +                                   'onMouseOut': "untip()"}
  44                  else:
  45                      csslink = "cal-emptyday"
  46                      if parmtemplate:


-- OliverSiemoneit 2007-04-02 17:57:43


Impossible to fix: Other users can also guess about activities just by looking at the daypages created or not, i.e. the existing daypages do already convey some rudimantal information without being able to read these pages.

Maybe the only correct fix for that when using MonthCalendar for personal planning in an intranet is: Do never use your homepage as basepage for MonthCalendar but a sub-page of it that is already protected by alc against viewing of others? Don't know.. -- OliverSiemoneit 2007-04-02 21:11:29



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/MonthCalendarToolTipDoesNotRespectAcl (last edited 2007-10-29 19:07:35 by localhost)