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ImportError: No module named wikiconfig
Check that the file is in the same directory as the server script. If
it is not, you must add the path of the directory where the file is
located to the python path in the server script. See the comments at
the top of the server script.
Check that the configuration file name is either "" or the
module name specified in the wikis list in Note that the
module name does not include the ".py" suffix.
If you want to report a bug, please save this page and attach it to your bug report.
A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the
sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the
order they occurred.
in __init__
(self=<MoinMoin.request.RequestModPy object>, req=<mod_python.apache.Request instance>)
- 1755 env=req.subprocess_env
- 1756 self._setup_vars_from_std_env(env)
- 1757 RequestBase.__init__(self)
- 1758
- 1759 except Exception, err:
- global
= <class 'MoinMoin.request.RequestBase'>
- RequestBase.__init__
= <unbound method RequestBase.__init__>
- self
= <MoinMoin.request.RequestModPy object>
in __init__
(self=<MoinMoin.request.RequestModPy object>, properties={})
- 111 # order is important here!
- 112 self.__dict__.update(properties)
- 113 self._load_multi_cfg()
- 114
- 115 self.isSpiderAgent = self.check_spider()
- self
= <MoinMoin.request.RequestModPy object>
- self._load_multi_cfg
= <bound method RequestModPy._load_multi_cfg of <MoinMoin.request.RequestModPy object>>
in _load_multi_cfg
(self=<MoinMoin.request.RequestModPy object>)
- 257 if not hasattr(self, 'cfg'):
- 258 from MoinMoin import multiconfig
- 259 self.cfg = multiconfig.getConfig(self.url)
- 260
- 261 def setAcceptedCharsets(self, accept_charset):
- self
= <MoinMoin.request.RequestModPy object>
- self.cfg undefined
- multiconfig
= <module 'MoinMoin.multiconfig' from '/usr/local/...python2.3/site-packages/MoinMoin/'>
- multiconfig.getConfig
= <function getConfig>
- self.url
= ''
in getConfig
- 154 config = _config_cache[configName]
- 155 except KeyError:
- 156 config = _makeConfig(configName)
- 157 config = _config_cache.setdefault(configName, config)
- 158 return config
- config undefined
- global
= <function _makeConfig>
- configName
= 'wikiconfig'
in _makeConfig
- 109 module name does not include the ".py" suffix.
- 110 '''
- 111 raise error.ConfigurationError(msg)
- 112 except AttributeError:
- 113 msg = '''
- global
= <module 'MoinMoin.error' from '/usr/local/moin/lib/python2.3/site-packages/MoinMoin/'>
- error.ConfigurationError
= <class MoinMoin.error.ConfigurationError>
- msg
= 'ImportError: No module named wikiconfig\n\n\nCheck ...e\nmodule name does not include the ".py" suffix.\n'
ImportError: No module named wikiconfig
Check that the file is in the same directory as the server script. If
it is not, you must add the path of the directory where the file is
located to the python path in the server script. See the comments at
the top of the server script.
Check that the configuration file name is either "" or the
module name specified in the wikis list in Note that the
module name does not include the ".py" suffix.
- exceptions = <bound method ConfigurationError.exceptions of <MoinMoin.error.ConfigurationError instance>>
- innerException = (<class exceptions.ImportError>, <exceptions.ImportError instance>, <traceback object>)
- message = 'ImportError: No module named wikiconfig\n\n\nCheck ...e\nmodule name does not include the ".py" suffix.\n'
A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the
sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the
order they occurred.
in _makeConfig
- 93 global _farmconfig_mtime
- 94 try:
- 95 module, mtime = _importConfigModule(name)
- 96 configClass = getattr(module, 'Config')
- 97 cfg = configClass(name)
- module undefined
- mtime undefined
- global
= <function _importConfigModule>
- name
= 'wikiconfig'
in _importConfigModule
- 29 # FIXME if someone calls his config module, it gets confused
- 30 # with MoinMoin.stats built-in statistics module and fails.
- 31 module = __import__(name, globals(), {})
- 32 mtime = os.path.getmtime(module.__file__)
- 33 except ImportError:
- module undefined
- builtin
= <built-in function __import__>
- name
= 'wikiconfig'
- builtin
= <built-in function globals>
No module named wikiconfig
- args = ('No module named wikiconfig',)
System Details
- Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 14:41:04 +0000
- Platform: Linux acheloos 2.6.12 #1 SMP Wed Jul 19 15:49:56 EEST 2006 i686
- Python: Python 2.3.4 (/usr/bin/python)
- MoinMoin: Release 1.5.4 (release)
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