If you like to add a new page whithout the new macro it takes much much more time as in the old version 1.2.4 to get the list of available similar pages and the list of templates.
Steps to reproduce
See description
In getPageList
If the files in underlay dir belongs always all user then I think the underlay files could be searched by underlay = self.listPages(dir, '') (line 450) and not with the parameter user. If it is coded like this it is very fast. If underlay is always refreshed with a new Moin Installation it seems to me it does not make sense to have user rules here. -- ReimarBauer 2004-12-31 15:04:50
Yes, that might be faster, but you could maybe see Template pages that you are not allowed to read (or even know of). ACLs should be followed everywhere. So this is not a bug, nor a solution for a bug. The only solution for that is making it faster and we work on that. 1.3.2 will get some tuning for some stuff and 1.4 will work quite different on that level.
I have read again the description of underlay.
Basically, this gives moin copy-on-write (COW) semantics. All existing pages in the underlay/ directory are visible, with any writes going to the normal directory.
If all is visible to all then there could not be set ACLs for pages in underlay. Probably someone could use underlay in a different way as supposed then it makes trouble to change the routine this way. But at the moment a lot of existing wikis don't use underlay in this different way. And the most intersting thing creating new pages is slower as before. I am not seeing it myself as bugfix of a bug to make this clear. It's more a workaround till 1.3.2 in the case you don't have changed or don't like to add files in underlay with ACLs. -- ReimarBauer 2004-12-31 18:03:12
That fact that currently all underlay pages we provide as default system and help pages have ACLs making them visible to all, doesn't mean that this has to be generally the case. Underlay just means "laid under", with the special addition of COW (it wouldn't currently make sense without COW as in that case you would never be able to create pages overlaying the underlayed ones). It doesn't mean we don't have to care for ACLs there. I can imagine that we could have several layers and maybe no per-default COW semantics some day. -- ThomasWaldmann 2004-12-31 18:31:01
- Priority: None
- Assigned to:
- Status: no bug