If any line within a codeblock using a parser contains \" , the parsed result will be an extra line containing a dollar sign $ .
Steps to reproduce
- Create a new page.
- Edit this to contain something like this:
{{{#!java testvar = "\\" + servername + "\" }}}
- The result will be something like this:
1 testvar = "\\" + servername + "\"
A much more realistic example would be where I originally got the problem. I am using the visualbasic parser and got the example shown in this link:
Look at line 43 in the codeblock.
Component selection
As far as I can see (without any knowledge of Python) this is a parsing handling bug in
Possibly in the class ParserBase, line 161.
ENDL, ENDL_RE = u"\n$", ur"\n\$"
This wiki.
I can see no real good workarounds.
I don't see a $ sign in your example above. Please note that with 1.9 we use for syntax highlighting a new highlight parser based on pygments.
1 testvar = "\\" + servername + "\"
- Priority:
- Assigned to:
- Status: either fixed (likely) or not our business any more (but pygments')