MoinMoin at MoinMoinMoinMoinMoinMoin <pre> === Posix ACLs === Maybe someone familiar with them can add how they work? + == Before potential inclusion ... == + ... there needs some stuff to be done: + * Performance testing + * We currently have performance problems for some operations like pageList, because they check ACL for every case before showing it to the user. It has to be checked if this does not get even worse with this patch. + * Same for some other usual operations. + * Migration strategy + * How do we migrate existing wikis which already use ACLs. Docs? Code? + * Determine right time to include this patch. It doesn't look like 1.5 is the right time as it is short before release and in feature freeze. After 1.5 we will work on 2.0 and have lots of time (and work). + * 2.0 will move ACLs to metadata and generalize their usage over all items, so there will be changes in this area anyway. + </pre> Self:ThomasWaldmann1132583121000000updated lots of typos, please someone add posix acls <pre> === Posix ACLs === Maybe someone familiar with them can add how they work? + == Before potential inclusion ... == + ... there needs some stuff to be done: + * Performance testing + * We currently have performance problems for some operations like pageList, because they check ACL for every case before showing it to the user. It has to be checked if this does not get even worse with this patch. + * Same for some other usual operations. + * Migration strategy + * How do we migrate existing wikis which already use ACLs. Docs? Code? + * Determine right time to include this patch. It doesn't look like 1.5 is the right time as it is short before release and in feature freeze. After 1.5 we will work on 2.0 and have lots of time (and work). + * 2.0 will move ACLs to metadata and generalize their usage over all items, so there will be changes in this area anyway. + </pre> Self:ThomasWaldmann1132582474000000updated <pre> ThisIsA test...BcWireless:test + [:TestPageKJ:[[thisIsAtest][sss]]] - [[thisIsAtest][sss]] - - ---- ---- </pre> <pre> ThisIsA test...BcWireless:test + [:TestPageKJ:[[thisIsAtest][sss]]] - [[thisIsAtest][sss]] - - ---- ---- </pre> <pre> ThisIsA test...BcWireless:test + [:TestPageKJ:[[thisIsAtest][sss]]] - [[thisIsAtest][sss]] - - ---- ---- </pre> <pre> ThisIsA test...BcWireless:test + [:TestPageKJ:[[thisIsAtest][sss]]] - [[thisIsAtest][sss]] - - ---- ---- </pre> <pre> ThisIsA test...BcWireless:test + [:TestPageKJ:[[thisIsAtest][sss]]] - [[thisIsAtest][sss]] - - ---- ---- </pre> atradig103.informatik.tu-muenchen.de1132580978000000updated <pre> The {{{common.css}}} states font sizes in {{{em}}} and the {{{print.css}}} states font sizes in {{{pt}}} (and explicitly defines the font size for the {{{pre}}} tag (e.g. in beta 3, modern theme). Thus it is at least an inconsistency that should be checked. It seems that on some systems and browsers the "em to pt ratio" is significantly different for font-family courier. In Windows and IE you can't set different font sizes for different, you can only set diffent font types and then define the general font size. It is true that the problem described here also happens with other (non-moin) html, but the moin css ''could'' take care of it + Using EM for screen and PT for print is fine, no inconsistency. + = Plan = ## This part is for Moin``Moin developers: * Priority: </pre> Self:NirSoffer1132580738000000updated update against moin--main--1.3 patch-935 <pre> === Posix ACLs === Maybe someone familiar with them can add how they work? + == Before potential inclusion ... == + ... there needs some stuff to be done: + * Performance testing + * We currently have performance problems for some operations like pageList, because they check ACL for every case before showing it to the user. It has to be checked if this does not get even worse with this patch. + * Same for some other usual operations. + * Migration strategy + * How do we migrate existing wikis which already use ACLs. Docs? Code? + * Determine right time to include this patch. It doesn't look like 1.5 is the right time as it is short before release and in feature freeze. After 1.5 we will work on 2.0 and have lots of time (and work). + * 2.0 will move ACLs to metadata and generalize their usage over all items, so there will be changes in this area anyway. + </pre> Self:AndreaArcangeli1132575589000000updated does not validate <pre> }}} is not really valid for the feed validator (at least there's no such URL). Maybe it should rather point to some existing location at (but then should rather be namespace "moin")? I had a brief look at a [;feed=rss valid WikiPedia feed] using XML Spy and this looks rather different (uses RSS 2.0). So maybe redesign of the RSS output should be put on the long-term to-do list (hopefully also get rid of the strange need to install PyXML just to cope with the xmlns issue?). + PyXML is required because Python built in xml is broken. It will be a good idea to check again the status with 2.4.2, and report the bug to the Python bug system. + = Plan = ## This part is for Moin``Moin developers: </pre> Self:NirSoffer1132574506000000updated section editing func. added to moin 1.5b2 <pre> MediaWiki and DokuWiki have this feature, It's very useful when editing large pages. it's also announced as their advantages. Besides loading speeds, it's awful to find a proper insert point in large number of words. + I'm trying to contribute ''section editing'' functionality to MoinMoin and patched some source codes (, Page``,, on MoinMoin 1.5b2. You can try it on Press the edit icon on the right of the heading to edit the section. It's experimental demo site and it may raise critical problems in moin (in fact, it does with ''Include'' macro, and so on). I'm still looking on it and going to open the patches soon. -- SeungikLee [[DateTime(2005-11-21T12:01:30Z)]] + ---- CategoryFeatureRequest </pre> Self:SeungikLee1132574491000000updated <pre> ThisIsA test...BcWireless:test + [:TestPageKJ:[[thisIsAtest][sss]]] - [[thisIsAtest][sss]] - - ---- ---- </pre> gut75-1-81-57-27-98.fbx.proxad.net1132570854000000updated <pre> ThisIsA test...BcWireless:test + [:TestPageKJ:[[thisIsAtest][sss]]] - [[thisIsAtest][sss]] - - ---- ---- </pre> gut75-1-81-57-27-98.fbx.proxad.net1132570813000000updated <pre> ThisIsA test...BcWireless:test + [:TestPageKJ:[[thisIsAtest][sss]]] - [[thisIsAtest][sss]] - - ---- ---- </pre> gut75-1-81-57-27-98.fbx.proxad.net1132570788000000updated