rightsidebar theme has problems with UserPreferences link
1. Non-root wiki breaks logout button
The below from rightsidebar.py assumes that you have your wiki pages mapped to the top level of your virtual host.
html.append('<form action="/UserPreferences" method="POST">')
2. Non-root wiki breaks user name display for logged-in user
With the below line, the text for link to user preferences is always "UserPreferences", even if the user is logged in
html.append('%s' % wikiutil.link_tag(self.request, wikiutil.quoteWikiname(d['page_user_prefs'])))
3. Python import statement
The rightsidebar theme inherits from classic, but the import statement assumes classic.py is in the same folder, so it is that much harder to create a new theme (in data/plugins/theme) based on rightsidebar theme.
from classic import Theme as ThemeBase
Here's an example using someone else's wiki (please don't abuse account, and maybe kill account when fix is in):
1. Goto http://www.solasi.org/moin.cgi
2. Log in as TestUser (password testuser)
login is at bottom of page, under PythonPowered, or go to http://www.solasi.org/moin.cgi/UserPreferences
3. Change to rightsidebar theme
4. Test the bugs
- Confirm that clicking logoff button has no effect
Confirm that text is UserPreferences rather than username (TestUser)
- Can't confirm this from here - you'll have to trust me!
This Wiki (but not with the current setup - requires non-root wiki)
I moved this from the unsorted section on the MoinMoinBugs page (bug 1), so sorry there isn't a lot of supporting examples. I'll search through the MoinMoinWikis for a suitable example (my site is intranet only)
Here are my fixes:
1. Non-root wiki breaks logout button This fix (one byte change) worked for me:
html.append('<form action="UserPreferences" method="POST">')
2. Non-root wiki breaks user name display for logged-in user Use the code fragment from classic:
html.append ('%s' % wikiutil.link_tag( self.request, wikiutil.quoteWikiname(d['page_user_prefs']), wikiutil.escape(d['user_prefs'])))
3. Python import statement Fully qualify the import statement:
from MoinMoin.theme.classic import Theme as ThemeBase
Please try moin 1.2.3! It should be fixed there.
- Priority:
- Assigned to:
- Status: fixed in 1.2.3 1.3