Die Dresden Community Seite gibts nicht mehr. Unten seht Ihr nur noch ein paar Überbleibsel wie die Funpics. Dieses kleine Wiki dient nun dem Maik zur Dokumentation und zum Vorstellen seiner Projekte.
--> -->
cannot import name AS_IS
If you want to report a bug, please save this page and attach it to your bug report.
A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/request/__init__.py in run (self=<MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object>)
- 1304 self.page.send_page()
- 1305 else:
- 1306 handler(self.page.page_name, self)
- 1307
- 1308 # every action that didn't use to raise MoinMoinFinish must call this now:
- handler = <function do_show>
- self = <MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object>
- self.page = <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>
- self.page.page_name = u'StartSeite'
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/action/__init__.py in do_show (pagename=u'StartSeite', request=<MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object>, content_only=0, count_hit=1, cacheable=1, print_mode=0)
- 251 count_hit=count_hit,
- 252 print_mode=print_mode,
- 253 content_only=content_only,
- 254 )
- 255
- content_only = 0
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/Page.py in send_page (self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page object>, **keywords={'content_only': 0, 'count_hit': 1, 'print_mode': 0})
- 1195 format_args=pi['formatargs'],
- 1196 do_cache=do_cache,
- 1197 start_line=pi['lines'])
- 1198
- 1199 # check for pending footnotes
- start_line undefined
- pi = {'acl': <MoinMoin.security.AccessControlList instance>, 'format': 'wiki', 'formatargs': '', 'language': 'de', 'lines': 1}
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/Page.py in send_page_content (self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page object>, request=<MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object>, body=u'\n= Willkommen =\n\nDie Dresden Community Seite gib...e:none;"> [[Statistiken| zu den Statistiken]] ||\n', format='wiki', format_args='', do_cache=1, **kw={'start_line': 1})
- 1283 try:
- 1284 code = self.loadCache(request)
- 1285 self.execute(request, parser, code)
- 1286 except Exception, e:
- 1287 if not is_cache_exception(e):
- self = <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>
- self.execute = <bound method Page.execute of <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>>
- request = <MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object>
- parser = <MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>
- code = <code object ? at 0x41182760, file "StartSeite", line 2>
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/Page.py in execute (self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page object>, request=<MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object>, parser=<MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>, code=<code object ? at 0x41182760, file "StartSeite", line 2>)
- 1314 __file__ = os.path.join(MoinMoin.__loader__.archive, 'dummy')
- 1315 try:
- 1316 exec code
- 1317 except "CacheNeedsUpdate": # convert the exception
- 1318 raise Exception("CacheNeedsUpdate")
- code = <code object ? at 0x41182760, file "StartSeite", line 2>
/StartSeite in ?
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/formatter/__init__.py in macro (self=<MoinMoin.formatter.text_html.Formatter instance>, macro_obj=<MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>, name=u'TableOfContents', args=None, markup=u'<<TableOfContents>>')
- 312 # call the macro
- 313 try:
- 314 return macro_obj.execute(name, args)
- 315 except ImportError, err:
- 316 errmsg = unicode(err)
- macro_obj = <MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>
- macro_obj.execute = <bound method Macro.execute of <MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>>
- name = u'TableOfContents'
- args = None
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/macro/__init__.py in execute (self=<MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>, macro_name=u'TableOfContents', args=None)
- 126 else:
- 127 raise ImportError("Cannot load macro %s" % macro_name)
- 128 return execute(self, args)
- 129
- 130 def _m_lang(self, text):
- execute = <function <lambda>>
- self = <MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>
- args = None
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/macro/__init__.py in
(_self=<MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>, _args=None) - 113 call = wikiutil.importPlugin(self.cfg, 'macro', macro_name,
- 114 function='macro_%s' % macro_name)
- 115 execute = lambda _self, _args: _self._wrap(call, _args, [self])
- 116 except wikiutil.PluginAttributeError:
- 117 # fall back to old execute() method, no longer recommended
- execute undefined
- _self = <MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>
- _args = None
- _self._wrap = <bound method Macro._wrap of <MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>>
- call = <function macro_TableOfContents>
- self = <MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/macro/__init__.py in _wrap (self=<MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>, function=<function macro_TableOfContents>, args=None, fixed=[<MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>])
- 95 try:
- 96 return wikiutil.invoke_extension_function(self.request, function,
- 97 args, fixed)
- 98 except ValueError, e:
- 99 return self.format_error(e)
- args = None
- fixed = [<MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>]
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/wikiutil.py in invoke_extension_function (request=<MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object>, function=<function macro_TableOfContents>, args=None, fixed_args=[<MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>])
- 1965 kwargs_to_pass.keys()[0]))
- 1966
- 1967 return function(*fixed_args, **kwargs)
- 1968
- 1969
- function = <function macro_TableOfContents>
- fixed_args = [<MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>]
- kwargs = {'maxdepth': None}
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/macro/TableOfContents.py in macro_TableOfContents (macro=<MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>, maxdepth=99)
- 153 content_only=True,
- 154 count_hit=False,
- 155 omit_footnotes=True)
- 156
- 157 _ = macro.request.getText
- omit_footnotes undefined
- builtin True = True
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/request/__init__.py in redirectedOutput (self=<MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object>, function=<bound method Page.send_page of <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>>, *args=(), **kw={'content_only': True, 'count_hit': False, 'omit_footnotes': True})
- 841 self.redirect(buf)
- 842 try:
- 843 function(*args, **kw)
- 844 finally:
- 845 self.redirect()
- function = <bound method Page.send_page of <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>>
- args = ()
- kw = {'content_only': True, 'count_hit': False, 'omit_footnotes': True}
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/Page.py in send_page (self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page object>, **keywords={'content_only': True, 'count_hit': False, 'omit_footnotes': True})
- 1195 format_args=pi['formatargs'],
- 1196 do_cache=do_cache,
- 1197 start_line=pi['lines'])
- 1198
- 1199 # check for pending footnotes
- start_line undefined
- pi = {'acl': <MoinMoin.security.AccessControlList instance>, 'format': 'wiki', 'formatargs': '', 'language': 'de', 'lines': 1}
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/Page.py in send_page_content (self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page object>, request=<MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object>, body=u'\n= Willkommen =\n\nDie Dresden Community Seite gib...e:none;"> [[Statistiken| zu den Statistiken]] ||\n', format='wiki', format_args='', do_cache=1, **kw={'start_line': 1})
- 1279
- 1280 if not (do_cache and self.canUseCache(Parser)):
- 1281 self.format(parser)
- 1282 else:
- 1283 try:
- self = <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>
- self.format = <bound method Page.format of <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>>
- parser = <MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/Page.py in format (self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page object>, parser=<MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>)
- 1300 def format(self, parser):
- 1301 """ Format and write page content without caching """
- 1302 parser.format(self.formatter)
- 1303
- 1304 def execute(self, request, parser, code):
- parser = <MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>
- parser.format = <bound method Parser.format of <MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>>
- self = <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>
- self.formatter = <MoinMoin.macro.TableOfContents.TOCFormatter instance>
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/parser/text_moin_wiki.py in format (self=<MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>, formatter=<MoinMoin.macro.TableOfContents.TOCFormatter instance>, inhibit_p=False)
- 1527
- 1528 # Scan line, format and write
- 1529 formatted_line = self.scan(line, inhibit_p=inhibit_p)
- 1530 self.request.write(formatted_line)
- 1531
- formatted_line = u'News'
- self = <MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>
- self.scan = <bound method Parser.scan of <MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>>
- line = u'<<Include(News, , to="^----$", editlink)>> '
- inhibit_p = False
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/parser/text_moin_wiki.py in scan (self=<MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>, line=u'<<Include(News, , to="^----$", editlink)>> ', inhibit_p=False)
- 1343 self.in_table or self.in_list):
- 1344 result.append(self.formatter.paragraph(1, css_class="line867"))
- 1345 result.append(self.replace(match, inhibit_p))
- 1346 end = match.end()
- 1347 lastpos = end
- result = ['']
- result.append = <built-in method append of list object>
- self = <MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>
- self.replace = <bound method Parser.replace of <MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>>
- match = <_sre.SRE_Match object>
- inhibit_p = False
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/parser/text_moin_wiki.py in replace (self=<MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>, match=<_sre.SRE_Match object>, inhibit_p=False)
- 1385 # Get replace method and replace hit
- 1386 replace_func = getattr(self, '_%s_repl' % type)
- 1387 result.append(replace_func(hit, match.groupdict()))
- 1388 return ''.join(result)
- 1389 else:
- result = ['']
- result.append = <built-in method append of list object>
- replace_func = <bound method Parser._macro_repl of <MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>>
- hit = u'News, , to="^----$", editlink'
- match = <_sre.SRE_Match object>
- match.groupdict = <built-in method groupdict of _sre.SRE_Match object>
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/parser/text_moin_wiki.py in _macro_repl (self=<MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>, word=u'News, , to="^----$", editlink', groups={u'big': None, u'big_off': None, u'big_on': None, u'comment': None, u'dl': None, u'email': None, u'emph': None, u'emph_ib_or_bi': None, u'emph_ibb': None, u'emph_ibi': None, ...})
- 1310 if self.macro is None:
- 1311 self.macro = macro.Macro(self)
- 1312 return self.formatter.macro(self.macro, macro_name, macro_args, markup=groups.get('macro'))
- 1313 _macro_name_repl = _macro_repl
- 1314 _macro_args_repl = _macro_repl
- self = <MoinMoin.parser.text_moin_wiki.Parser instance>
- self.formatter = <MoinMoin.macro.TableOfContents.TOCFormatter instance>
- self.formatter.macro = <bound method TOCFormatter.macro of <MoinMoin.macro.TableOfContents.TOCFormatter instance>>
- self.macro = <MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>
- macro_name = u'Include'
- macro_args = u'News, , to="^----$", editlink'
- markup undefined
- groups = {u'big': None, u'big_off': None, u'big_on': None, u'comment': None, u'dl': None, u'email': None, u'emph': None, u'emph_ib_or_bi': None, u'emph_ibb': None, u'emph_ibi': None, ...}
- groups.get = <built-in method get of dict object>
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/macro/TableOfContents.py in macro (self=<MoinMoin.macro.TableOfContents.TOCFormatter instance>, macro_obj=<MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>, name=u'Include', args=u'News, , to="^----$", editlink', markup=u'<<Include(News, , to="^----$", editlink)>>')
- 71 name, 'generates_headings')
- 72 if gen_headings:
- 73 return FormatterBase.macro(self, macro_obj, name, args, markup)
- 74 except (wikiutil.PluginMissingError, wikiutil.PluginAttributeError):
- 75 pass
- global FormatterBase = <class MoinMoin.formatter.FormatterBase>
- FormatterBase.macro = <unbound method FormatterBase.macro>
- self = <MoinMoin.macro.TableOfContents.TOCFormatter instance>
- macro_obj = <MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>
- name = u'Include'
- args = u'News, , to="^----$", editlink'
- markup = u'<<Include(News, , to="^----$", editlink)>>'
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/formatter/__init__.py in macro (self=<MoinMoin.macro.TableOfContents.TOCFormatter instance>, macro_obj=<MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>, name=u'Include', args=u'News, , to="^----$", editlink', markup=u'<<Include(News, , to="^----$", editlink)>>')
- 312 # call the macro
- 313 try:
- 314 return macro_obj.execute(name, args)
- 315 except ImportError, err:
- 316 errmsg = unicode(err)
- macro_obj = <MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>
- macro_obj.execute = <bound method Macro.execute of <MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>>
- name = u'Include'
- args = u'News, , to="^----$", editlink'
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/macro/__init__.py in execute (self=<MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>, macro_name=u'Include', args=u'News, , to="^----$", editlink')
- 126 else:
- 127 raise ImportError("Cannot load macro %s" % macro_name)
- 128 return execute(self, args)
- 129
- 130 def _m_lang(self, text):
- execute = <function execute>
- self = <MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>
- args = u'News, , to="^----$", editlink'
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/macro/Include.py in execute (macro=<MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>, text=u'News, , to="^----$", editlink', args_re=<_sre.SRE_Pattern object>, title_re=<_sre.SRE_Pattern object>)
- 221 # if no heading and not in print mode, then output a helper link
- 222 if editlink and not (level or print_mode):
- 223 result.extend([
- 224 macro.formatter.div(1, css_class="include-link"),
- 225 inc_page.link_to(request, '[%s]' % (inc_name, ), css_class="include-page-link"),
- result = [u' download Problem erstellt am 28.02.2008 Imagef...m habe ich nun behoben. Danke f\xfcr Euer Feadback. ']
- result.extend = <built-in method extend of list object>
- macro = <MoinMoin.macro.Macro instance>
- macro.formatter = <MoinMoin.macro.TableOfContents.TOCFormatter instance>
- macro.formatter.div = <bound method TOCFormatter._anything_return_empt...oin.macro.TableOfContents.TOCFormatter instance>>
- css_class undefined
- inc_page = <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>
- inc_page.link_to = <bound method Page.link_to of <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>>
- request = <MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object>
- inc_name = u'News'
- _ = <function <lambda>>
- querystr undefined
- request._Include_backto = u'StartSeite'
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/Page.py in link_to (self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page object>, request=<MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object>, text=u'[News]', querystr=None, anchor=None, **kw={'css_class': 'include-page-link'})
- 799 del kw['attachment_indicator'] # avoid having this as <a> tag attribute
- 800
- 801 link = self.link_to_raw(request, text, querystr, anchor, **kw)
- 802
- 803 # Create a link to attachments if any exist
- link undefined
- self = <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>
- self.link_to_raw = <bound method Page.link_to_raw of <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>>
- request = <MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object>
- text = u'[News]'
- querystr = None
- anchor = None
- kw = {'css_class': 'include-page-link'}
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/Page.py in link_to_raw (self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page object>, request=<MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object>, text=u'[News]', querystr=None, anchor=None, **kw={'css_class': 'include-page-link'})
- 767 # escaping is done by link_tag -> formatter.url -> ._open()
- 768 link = wikiutil.link_tag(request, url, text,
- 769 formatter=getattr(self, 'formatter', None), **kw)
- 770 return link
- 771
- formatter undefined
- builtin getattr = <built-in function getattr>
- self = <MoinMoin.Page.Page object>
- builtin None = None
- kw = {'css_class': 'include-page-link'}
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/wikiutil.py in link_tag (request=<MoinMoin.request.request_modpython.Request object>, params='News', text=u'[News]', formatter=<MoinMoin.macro.TableOfContents.TOCFormatter instance>, on=None, **kw={})
- 2345 tag = formatter.url(on, url, css_class, **kw)
- 2346 else:
- 2347 tag = (formatter.url(1, url, css_class, **kw) +
- 2348 formatter.rawHTML(text) +
- 2349 formatter.url(0))
- tag undefined
- formatter = <MoinMoin.macro.TableOfContents.TOCFormatter instance>
- formatter.url = <bound method TOCFormatter._anything_return_empt...oin.macro.TableOfContents.TOCFormatter instance>>
- url = '/wiki/News'
- css_class = 'include-page-link'
- kw = {}
- formatter.rawHTML = <bound method TOCFormatter.rawHTML of <MoinMoin.macro.TableOfContents.TOCFormatter instance>>
- text = u'[News]'
/home/d/dresden-community.de/public_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/formatter/__init__.py in rawHTML (self=<MoinMoin.macro.TableOfContents.TOCFormatter instance>, markup=u'[News]')
- 373 """
- 374
- 375 import formatter, htmllib
- 376 from MoinMoin.util import simpleIO
- 377
- formatter = <module 'formatter' from '/home/d/dresden-commun...c_html/moin/moin/MoinMoin/formatter/__init__.py'>
- htmllib undefined
/usr/lib/python2.4/htmllib.py in ?
- 7 import sgmllib
- 8
- 9 from formatter import AS_IS
- 10
- 11 __all__ = ["HTMLParser", "HTMLParseError"]
- formatter undefined
- AS_IS undefined
cannot import name AS_IS
- args = ('cannot import name AS_IS',)
System Details
- Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 09:12:48 +0000
- Platform: Linux h902641 #1 Fri Apr 6 08:42:34 UTC 2007 i686
- Python: Python 2.4 (/usr/bin/python)
- MoinMoin: Release 1.7.0 (release)