Some translated texts are cached, and the next user that use a different language will see the translated text of the previous user, instead of his translation.
Steps to reproduce
Add attachment:this
- You will see "Add new attachment" link
- Change your language to another language, like Hebrew
- Visit the page
The page shows the previous language translation, instead of the new language.
This wiki
Refresh the page with the Refresh link.
I think we can handle this after other bugs are solved. It happens only with certain texts on a wiki with multiple language users and have an easy workaround. -- NirSoffer 2004-12-09 22:03:05
This is a result of the parser handling attachment links insted of the formatter. If handling is moved to the formatter these translations can be inserted dynamically. This has to be done anyway. -- FlorianFesti 2004-12-09 22:45:49
Try to move attachments handling into the formatter?
- Status: fixed in 1.5