A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the
sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the
order they occurred.
in __init__
(self=<MoinMoin.request.request_fcgi.Request object at 0x6e31a50>, fcgRequest=<MoinMoin.support.thfcgi.Request instance at 0x6e49488>, env={'DOCUMENT_ROOT': '/srv/wiki.ubuntu.com/www/', 'GATEWAY_INTERFACE': 'CGI/1.1', 'HTTP_ACCEPT': 'application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET': 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip,deflate,sdch', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE': 'en-US,en;q=0.8', 'HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL': 'max-age=0', 'HTTP_CONNECTION': 'keep-alive', 'HTTP_COOKIE': 'MOIN_SESSION=f9fpntp-s_qna7hrs-6po9y6pg6k53cv', 'HTTP_HOST': 'wiki.ubuntu.com', ...}, form=FieldStorage(None, None, [MiniFieldStorage('acti...Storage('openid.sreg.timezone', 'Asia/Kolkata')]), properties={})
- 26 self.fcgform = form
- 27 self._setup_vars_from_std_env(env)
- 28 RequestBase.__init__(self, properties)
- 29
- 30 except Exception, err:
- global
= <class 'MoinMoin.request.RequestBase'>
- RequestBase.__init__
= <unbound method RequestBase.__init__>
- self
= <MoinMoin.request.request_fcgi.Request object at 0x6e31a50>
- properties
= {}
in __init__
(self=<MoinMoin.request.request_fcgi.Request object at 0x6e31a50>, properties={})
- 205 # set self.user even if _handle_auth_form raises an Exception
- 206 self.user = None
- 207 self.user = self._handle_auth_form(user_obj)
- 208 del user_obj
- 209 self.cfg.session_handler.after_auth(self, self.cfg.session_id_handler, self.user)
- self
= <MoinMoin.request.request_fcgi.Request object at 0x6e31a50>
- self.user
= None
- self._handle_auth_form
= <bound method Request._handle_auth_form of <Moin...equest.request_fcgi.Request object at 0x6e31a50>>
- user_obj
= None
in _handle_auth_form
(self=<MoinMoin.request.request_fcgi.Request object at 0x6e31a50>, user_obj=None)
- 610 return self.handle_auth(user_obj, attended=True, username=username,
- 611 password=password, login=login, logout=logout,
- 612 stage=stage, openid_identifier=oid)
- 613
- 614 def handle_auth(self, user_obj, attended=False, **kw):
- stage
= u'openid'
- openid_identifier undefined
- oid
= None
in handle_auth
(self=<MoinMoin.request.request_fcgi.Request object at 0x6e31a50>, user_obj=None, attended=True, **kw={'login': True, 'logout': False, 'openid_identifier': None, 'password': None, 'stage': u'openid', 'username': None})
- 642 if stage and authmethod.name != stage:
- 643 continue
- 644 ret = authmethod.login(self, user_obj, **extra)
- 645 user_obj = ret.user_obj
- 646 cont = ret.continue_flag
- ret undefined
- authmethod
= <MoinMoin.auth.openidrp.OpenIDAuth instance at 0xbe5488>
- authmethod.login
= <bound method OpenIDAuth.login of <MoinMoin.auth.openidrp.OpenIDAuth instance at 0xbe5488>>
- self
= <MoinMoin.request.request_fcgi.Request object at 0x6e31a50>
- user_obj
= None
- extra
= {'attended': True, 'cookie': <SimpleCookie: MOIN_SESSION='f9fpntp-s_qna7hrs-6po9y6pg6k53cv'>, 'multistage': True, 'openid_identifier': None, 'password': None, 'username': None}
in login
(self=<MoinMoin.auth.openidrp.OpenIDAuth instance at 0xbe5488>, request=<MoinMoin.request.request_fcgi.Request object at 0x6e31a50>, user_obj=None, **kw={'attended': True, 'cookie': <SimpleCookie: MOIN_SESSION='f9fpntp-s_qna7hrs-6po9y6pg6k53cv'>, 'multistage': True, 'openid_identifier': None, 'password': None, 'username': None})
- 321
- 322 if continuation:
- 323 return self._handle_continuation(request)
- 324
- 325 # openid is designed to work together with other auths
- self
= <MoinMoin.auth.openidrp.OpenIDAuth instance at 0xbe5488>
- self._handle_continuation
= <bound method OpenIDAuth._handle_continuation of...n.auth.openidrp.OpenIDAuth instance at 0xbe5488>>
- request
= <MoinMoin.request.request_fcgi.Request object at 0x6e31a50>
in _handle_continuation
(self=<MoinMoin.auth.openidrp.OpenIDAuth instance at 0xbe5488>, request=<MoinMoin.request.request_fcgi.Request object at 0x6e31a50>)
- 296 oidstage = request.form.get('oidstage', [0])[0]
- 297 if oidstage == '1':
- 298 return self._handle_verify_continuation(request)
- 299 elif oidstage == '2':
- 300 return self._handle_name_continuation(request)
- self
= <MoinMoin.auth.openidrp.OpenIDAuth instance at 0xbe5488>
- self._handle_verify_continuation
= <bound method OpenIDAuth._handle_verify_continua...n.auth.openidrp.OpenIDAuth instance at 0xbe5488>>
- request
= <MoinMoin.request.request_fcgi.Request object at 0x6e31a50>
in _handle_verify_continuation
(self=<MoinMoin.auth.openidrp.OpenIDAuth instance at 0xbe5488>, request=<MoinMoin.request.request_fcgi.Request object at 0x6e31a50>)
- 159 from pytz import timezone
- 160 import pytz
- 161 user_tz = timezone(sreg_resp.get('timezone').encode('ascii'))
- 162 if user_tz:
- 163 user_utcoffset = user_tz.utcoffset(datetime.utcnow())
- user_tz undefined
- timezone
= <function timezone at 0x6ec1578>
- sreg_resp
= <openid.extensions.sreg.SRegResponse object at 0x6e318d0>
- sreg_resp.get
= <bound method SRegResponse.get of <openid.extensions.sreg.SRegResponse object at 0x6e318d0>>
- ).encode undefined
in timezone
- 136 _tzinfo_cache[zone] = build_tzinfo(zone, open_resource(zone))
- 137 else:
- 138 raise UnknownTimeZoneError(zone)
- 139
- 140 return _tzinfo_cache[zone]
- global
= <class 'pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError'>
- zone
= 'Asia/Kolkata'