Attachment 'MonthCalendar.patch'


   1 --- MoinMoin/macro/	2010-07-03 12:28:37.848172684 +0200
   2 +++ wiki/data/plugin/macro/	2010-08-23 13:03:40.346298099 +0200
   3 @@ -268,11 +268,11 @@
   4      p = Page(request, thispage)
   5      qpagenames = '*'.join([wikiutil.quoteWikinameURL(pn) for pn in parmpagename])
   6      qtemplate = wikiutil.quoteWikinameURL(parmtemplate)
   7 -    querystr = "calparms=%%s,%d,%d,%d,%%d,,,%%s" % (parmyear, parmmonth, parmoffset)
   8 -    prevlink = p.url(request, querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 - 1, qtemplate))
   9 -    nextlink = p.url(request, querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 + 1, qtemplate))
  10 -    prevylink = p.url(request, querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 - 12, qtemplate))
  11 -    nextylink = p.url(request, querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 + 12, qtemplate))
  12 +    querystr = "?calparms=%%s,%d,%d,%d,%%d,,,%%s" % (parmyear, parmmonth, parmoffset)
  13 +    prevlink =  querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 - 1, qtemplate)
  14 +    nextlink = querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 + 1, qtemplate)
  15 +    prevylink = querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 - 12, qtemplate)
  16 +    nextylink = querystr % (qpagenames, parmoffset2 + 12, qtemplate)
  18      prevmonth = formatter.url(1, prevlink, 'cal-link', **attrs) + '<' + formatter.url(0)
  19      nextmonth = formatter.url(1, nextlink, 'cal-link', **attrs) + '>' + formatter.url(0)

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  • [get | view] (2010-08-28 21:58:11, 2.4 KB) [[attachment:MonthCalendar-2.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2010-08-28 22:25:56, 2.1 KB) [[attachment:MonthCalendar-3.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2010-08-23 11:10:12, 1.3 KB) [[attachment:MonthCalendar.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2010-08-23 10:59:31, 73.1 KB) [[attachment:screenshot.png]]
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