Attachment ''
Download 1 # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
3 import re
4 from MoinMoin import config
5 from MoinMoin import wikiutil
6 from emitter import DocEmitter
7 from document import DocNode
9 Dependencies = []
11 class Parser:
12 """
13 The class to glue the DocParser and DocEmitter with the
14 MoinMoin current API.
15 """
16 # Enable caching
17 caching = 1
18 Dependencies = []
20 def __init__(self, raw, request, **kw):
21 """Create a minimal Parser object with required attributes."""
22 self.request = request
23 self.form = request.form
24 self.raw = raw
26 def format(self, formatter):
27 """Create and call the true parser and emitter."""
28 document = DocParser(self.raw, self.request).parse()
29 result = DocEmitter(document, formatter, self.request).emit()
30 self.request.write(result)
32 class DocParser:
33 """
34 Parse the raw text and create a document object
35 that can be converted into output using DocEmitter.
36 """
38 # Table of character sequences to replace with entities:
40 # The parsing rules
42 wiki_word = r'[A-Z]\w+[A-Z]\w+'
44 # For the inline elements
45 smiley_rule = r'''(?P<smiley>
46 (?<=[\n\s]) %s (?=[\s),;.?!\n])
47 )''' % u'|'.join([re.escape(t) for t in config.smileys.keys()])
48 wikiword_rule = r'''(?P<wikiword>
49 (\/|(\.\.\/)+|^|(?<=[^!])) \b%s\b (\/%s)*
50 )'''%(wiki_word, wiki_word)
51 interwiki_rule = r'''\b(?P<interwiki>
52 \w+:[^/][\w\/]+
53 )\b'''
54 interwiki2_rule = r'\[(?P<interwiki2>\w+:[^/]\S+)(\s+(?P<interwiki2_text>.+?))?\s*\]'
55 attach_rule = r'\b(attachment|inline|drawing):(?P<attach>\S+?)\b'
56 attach2_rule = r'\[(attachment|inline|drawing):(?P<attach2>\S+?)\s*(?P<attach2_text>.+?)\s*\]'
57 anchor_rule = r'\[(?P<anchor>[#]\S+?)\s+(?P<anchor_text>.*?)\s*\]'
58 url_rule = r'(?P<url>\[(?P<url_addr>(http|https|ftp|nntp|news|mailto|telnet|file|irc):[^\s\]]*)\s*(?P<url_text>.*?)\s*\])'
59 link_rule = r'(?P<link>\["(?P<link_addr>.+?)"\s*(?P<link_text>.+?)?\s*\])'
60 macro_rule = r'\[\[(?P<macro>.+?)(\((?P<macro_arg>.*?)\))?\]\]'
62 char_rule = r'(?P<char>.)'
63 code_rule = r'(?P<code>{{{(?P<code_text>.*?)}}})'
64 code2_rule = r'(?P<code2>`(?P<code2_text>.*?)`)'
65 emph_rule = r'''(?P<emph>'')'''
66 strong_rule = r"(?P<strong>''')"
68 # For the block elements
69 rule_rule = r'(?P<rule>^----+$)'
70 line_rule = r'(?P<line>^\s*$)'
71 head_rule = r'(?P<head>^(?P<head_head>=+)\s*(?P<head_text>[^*].*?)\s*(?P=head_head)\s*$)'
72 text_rule = r'(?P<text>.+)'
73 ulist_rule = r'(?P<ulist>^(?P<ulist_head>\s+[\*])\s+(?P<ulist_text>.*?)$)'
74 olist_rule = r'(?P<olist>^(?P<olist_head>\s+[0-9a-zA-Z#][\.\)])\s+(?P<olist_text>.*?)$)'
75 dlist_rule = r'(?P<dlist>^\s+(?P<dlist_term>.+?)\s*::\s*)'
76 table_rule = r'^\s*(?P<table>(\|\|.+?)+)\|\|\s*$'
77 pre_rule = r'(?P<pre>^\s*{{{\s*(\n+\s*)?(?P<pre_text>([\#]!(?P<pre_kind>\S*).*$)?(.|\n)+?)(\n)?}}}\s*$)'
79 def __init__(self, raw, request):
80 self.request = request
81 self._ = request.getText
82 self.raw = raw
83 self.root = DocNode("document", None)
84 self.cur = self.root # The most recent document node
85 self.text = None # The node to add inline characters to
87 self.block_rules = '|'.join([
88 self.line_rule,
89 self.head_rule,
90 self.rule_rule,
91 self.pre_rule,
92 self.ulist_rule,
93 self.dlist_rule,
94 self.olist_rule,
95 self.table_rule,
96 self.text_rule,
97 ])
98 self.block_re = re.compile(self.block_rules, re.X|re.U|re.M)
99 self.abbr_rule = self.get_abbr_rule()
100 self.inline_rules = '|'.join([
101 self.link_rule,
102 self.anchor_rule,
103 self.url_rule,
104 self.macro_rule,
105 self.attach_rule,
106 self.attach2_rule,
107 self.wikiword_rule,
108 self.interwiki_rule,
109 self.interwiki2_rule,
110 self.code_rule,
111 self.code2_rule,
112 self.strong_rule,
113 self.emph_rule,
114 self.abbr_rule,
115 self.smiley_rule,
116 self.char_rule,
117 ])
118 self.inline_re = re.compile(self.inline_rules, re.X|re.U)
120 def get_abbr_rule(self):
121 abbr_dict_page = 'AbbreviationDict'
122 if self.request.dicts.has_dict(abbr_dict_page):
123 self.abbr_dict = self.request.dicts.dict(abbr_dict_page)
124 else:
125 self.abbr_dict = {}
126 return r'''(^|<|(?<=[\s()'`"\[\]&-]))(?P<abbr>%s)(>|$|(?=[\s,.!?()'`":;\[\]&-]))'''%'|'.join([re.escape(k.strip()) for k in self.abbr_dict.keys()+['XXX']])
128 # copied from
129 def _getTableAttrs(self, attrdef):
130 # skip "|" and initial "<"
131 while attrdef and attrdef[0] == "|":
132 attrdef = attrdef[1:]
133 if not attrdef or attrdef[0] != "<":
134 return {}, ''
135 attrdef = attrdef[1:]
137 # extension for special table markup
138 def table_extension(key, parser, attrs, wiki_parser=self):
139 _ = wiki_parser._
140 msg = ''
141 if key[0] in "0123456789":
142 token = parser.get_token()
143 if token != '%':
144 wanted = '%'
145 msg = _('Expected "%(wanted)s" after "%(key)s", got "%(token)s"') % {
146 'wanted': wanted, 'key': key, 'token': token}
147 else:
148 try:
149 dummy = int(key)
150 except ValueError:
151 msg = _('Expected an integer "%(key)s" before "%(token)s"') % {
152 'key': key, 'token': token}
153 else:
154 attrs['width'] = '"%s%%"' % key
155 elif key == '-':
156 arg = parser.get_token()
157 try:
158 dummy = int(arg)
159 except ValueError:
160 msg = _('Expected an integer "%(arg)s" after "%(key)s"') % {
161 'arg': arg, 'key': key}
162 else:
163 attrs['colspan'] = '"%s"' % arg
164 elif key == '|':
165 arg = parser.get_token()
166 try:
167 dummy = int(arg)
168 except ValueError:
169 msg = _('Expected an integer "%(arg)s" after "%(key)s"') % {
170 'arg': arg, 'key': key}
171 else:
172 attrs['rowspan'] = '"%s"' % arg
173 elif key == '(':
174 attrs['align'] = '"left"'
175 elif key == ':':
176 attrs['align'] = '"center"'
177 elif key == ')':
178 attrs['align'] = '"right"'
179 elif key == '^':
180 attrs['valign'] = '"top"'
181 elif key == 'v':
182 attrs['valign'] = '"bottom"'
183 elif key == '#':
184 arg = parser.get_token()
185 try:
186 if len(arg) != 6: raise ValueError
187 dummy = int(arg, 16)
188 except ValueError:
189 msg = _('Expected a color value "%(arg)s" after "%(key)s"') % {
190 'arg': arg, 'key': key}
191 else:
192 attrs['bgcolor'] = '"#%s"' % arg
193 elif key == '=':
194 arg = parser.get_token()
195 this_key = attrdef.split('=')[0]
196 attrs[this_key] = arg
197 else:
198 msg = ""
199 #print "key: %s\nattrs: %s" % (key, str(attrs))
200 return msg
202 # scan attributes
203 attr, msg = wikiutil.parseAttributes(self.request, attrdef, '>', table_extension)
204 if msg: msg = '<strong class="highlight">%s</strong>' % msg
205 #print attr
206 return attr, msg
207 def _upto(self, node, kinds):
208 """
209 Look up the tree to the first occurence
210 of one of the listed kinds of nodes or root.
211 Start at the node node.
212 """
213 if not node:
214 return None
215 while node.parent is not None and not node.kind in kinds:
216 node = node.parent
217 return node
219 # The _*_repl methods called for matches in regexps
221 def _macro_repl(self, groups):
222 node = DocNode('macro', self.cur, groups.get('macro'))
223 node.args = groups.get('macro_arg', None)
224 self.text = None
225 _macro_arg_repl = _macro_repl
227 def _wikiword_repl(self, groups):
228 page = groups.get('wikiword', '')
229 node = DocNode('page_link', self.cur)
230 node.content = page
231 DocNode('text', node, page)
232 self.text = None
234 def _interwiki_repl(self, groups):
235 page = groups.get('interwiki', 'self:') or groups.get('interwiki2', 'self:')
236 text = groups.get('interwiki2_text')
237 node = DocNode('interwiki_link', self.cur)
238 node.content = page
239 DocNode('text', node, text or page.split(':')[1])
240 self.text = None
241 _interwiki2_repl = _interwiki_repl
242 _interwiki2_text_repl = _interwiki_repl
245 def _anchor_repl(self, groups):
246 addr = groups.get('anchor')
247 text = groups.get('anchor_text', '') or addr
248 node = DocNode('anchor_link', self.cur, addr)
249 DocNode('text', node, text)
250 self.text = None
251 _anchor_text_repl = _anchor_repl
253 def _url_repl(self, groups):
254 addr = groups.get('url_addr', ':')
255 proto = addr.split(':')[0]
256 text = groups.get('url_text', '') or addr
257 node = DocNode('external_link', self.cur)
258 node.content = addr
259 node.proto = proto
260 DocNode('text', node, text)
261 self.text = None
262 _url_text_repl = _url_repl
263 _url_addr_repl = _url_repl
265 def _attach_repl(self, groups):
266 addr = groups.get('attach') or groups.get('attach2') or ':'
267 text = groups.get('attach2_text', ':')
268 scheme, name = addr.split(':')
269 if scheme=='inline':
270 scheme='inlined_attachment'
271 node = DocNode(scheme, self.cur, name)
272 DocNode('text', node, text or addr)
273 self.text = None
274 _attach2_repl = _attach_repl
275 _attach2_text_repl = _attach_repl
277 def _link_repl(self, groups):
278 """Handle all kinds of links, including macros."""
279 addr = groups.get('link_addr', '')
280 text = (groups.get('link_text', '') or '').strip()
281 node = DocNode('page_link', self.cur, addr)
282 DocNode('text', node, text or node.content)
283 self.text = None
284 _link_addr_repl = _link_repl
285 _link_text_repl = _link_repl
287 def _rule_repl(self, groups):
288 self.cur = self._upto(self.cur, ('document','section','blockquote'))
289 DocNode('rule', self.cur)
291 def _table_repl(self, groups):
292 row = groups.get('table', '||')
293 attrs, attrerr = self._getTableAttrs(row)
294 self.cur = self._upto(self.cur, ('table', 'document', 'section', 'blockquote'))
295 if self.cur.kind!='table':
296 self.cur = DocNode('table', self.cur)
297 self.cur.attrs = attrs
298 tb = self.cur
299 tr = DocNode('table_row', tb)
300 tr.attrs = attrs
301 for cell in row.split('||')[1:]:
302 if cell and cell[0]=='<':
303 attrs, attrerr = self._getTableAttrs(cell)
304 parts = cell[1:].split('>')
305 args = parts[0]
306 cell = '>'.join(parts[1:])
307 else:
308 args = None
309 attrs = {}
310 attrerr =''
311 self.cur = DocNode('table_cell', tr)
312 self.cur.attrs = attrs
313 self.text = None
314 self.parse_inline(cell)
315 self.cur = tb
316 self.text = None
318 def _dlist_repl(self, groups):
319 self.cur = self._upto(self.cur, ('definition_list', 'document', 'section', 'blockquote'))
320 if self.cur.kind!='definition_list':
321 self.cur = DocNode('definition_list', self.cur)
322 dl = self.cur
323 self.cur = DocNode('term', dl)
324 self.text = None
325 self.parse_inline(groups.get('dlist_term', u''))
326 self.cur = DocNode('definition', dl)
327 self.text = None
328 _dlist_term_repl = _dlist_repl
330 def _ulist_repl(self, groups):
331 bullet = groups.get('ulist_head', '')
332 # Find a list with the same bullet up the tree
333 lst = self.cur
334 while ( lst and
335 not (lst.kind == 'bullet_list' and
336 lst.bullet==bullet) and
337 not lst.kind in ('document','section','blockquote')
338 ):
339 lst = lst.parent
340 if lst and lst.kind=='bullet_list':
341 self.cur = lst
342 else:
343 # Create a new level of list
344 self.cur = self._upto(self.cur, ('list_item', 'document', 'section', 'blockquote'))
345 self.cur = DocNode('bullet_list', self.cur)
346 self.cur.bullet = bullet
347 self.cur = DocNode('list_item', self.cur)
348 self.parse_inline(groups.get('ulist_text', ''))
349 self.text = None
350 _ulist_text_repl=_ulist_repl
351 _ulist_head_repl=_ulist_repl
353 def _olist_repl(self, groups):
354 bullet = groups.get('olist_head', '')
355 # Normalize the list number
356 bullet = re.sub(r'[0-9]', '0', bullet)
357 bullet = re.sub(r'[a-z]', 'a', bullet)
358 bullet = re.sub(r'[A-Z]', 'A', bullet)
359 # Find a list with the same bullet up the tree
360 lst = self.cur
361 while lst and not (lst.kind == 'number_list' and lst.bullet==bullet) and not lst.kind in ('document','section','blockquote'):
362 lst = lst.parent
363 if lst and lst.kind=='number_list':
364 self.cur = lst
365 else:
366 # Create a new level of list
367 self.cur = self._upto(self.cur, ('list_item', 'document', 'section', 'blockquote'))
368 self.cur = DocNode('number_list', self.cur)
369 self.cur.bullet = bullet
370 self.cur = DocNode('list_item', self.cur)
371 self.parse_inline(groups.get('olist_text', ''))
372 self.text = None
373 _olist_text_repl=_olist_repl
374 _olist_head_repl=_olist_repl
376 def _head_repl(self, groups):
377 self.cur = self._upto(self.cur, ('document','section', 'blockquote'))
378 node = DocNode('header', self.cur, groups.get('head_text', '').strip())
379 node.level = len(groups.get('head_head', ' '))
380 _head_head_repl = _head_repl
381 _head_text_repl = _head_repl
383 def _text_repl(self, groups):
384 # No text allowed in those nodes
385 if self.cur.kind in ('number_list', 'bullet_list', 'definition_list', 'table', 'table_row'):
386 self.cur = self._upto(self.cur, ('document','section', 'blockquote'))
387 # Those nodes can have text, but only in paragraphs
388 if self.cur.kind in ('document','section','blockquote'):
389 self.cur = DocNode('paragraph', self.cur)
390 self.parse_inline(groups.get('text', '')+' ')
391 self.text = None
393 def _pre_repl(self, groups):
394 self.cur = self._upto(self.cur, ('document','section','blockquote'))
395 kind = groups.get('pre_kind', None)
396 node = DocNode('preformatted', self.cur, groups.get('pre_text', u''))
397 node.sect = kind or ''
398 self.text = None
399 _pre_text_repl = _pre_repl
400 _pre_head_repl = _pre_repl
401 _pre_kind_repl = _pre_repl
403 def _line_repl(self, groups):
404 self.cur = self._upto(self.cur, ('document','section','blockquote'))
406 def _code_repl(self, groups):
407 text = groups.get('code_text', u'') or groups.get('code2_text', u'')
408 DocNode('code', self.cur, text)
409 self.text = None
410 _code_text_repl = _code_repl
411 _code2_text_repl = _code_repl
412 _code2_repl = _code_repl
414 def _emph_repl(self, groups):
415 last = self._upto(self.cur, ('emphasis','document'))
416 if last.kind=='emphasis':
417 self.cur = last.parent or self.root
418 else:
419 self.cur = DocNode('emphasis', self.cur)
420 self.text = None
421 _emph_open_repl = _emph_repl
422 _emph_close_repl = _emph_repl
424 def _strong_repl(self, groups):
425 last = self._upto(self.cur, ('strong','document'))
426 if last.kind=='strong':
427 self.cur = last.parent or self.root
428 else:
429 self.cur = DocNode('strong', self.cur)
430 self.text = None
431 _strong_open_repl = _strong_repl
432 _strong_close_repl = _strong_repl
434 def _smiley_repl(self, groups):
435 word = groups.get('smiley', '')
436 DocNode('smiley', self.cur, word)
438 def _abbr_repl(self, groups):
439 abbr = groups.get('abbr', '')
440 node = DocNode('abbr', self.cur, abbr)
441 node.title = self.abbr_dict.get(abbr, '???')
442 self.text = None
444 def _char_repl(self, groups):
445 if self.text is None:
446 self.text = DocNode('text', self.cur, u'')
447 self.text.content += groups.get('char', u'')
449 def _replace(self, match):
450 """Invoke appropriate _*_repl method. Called for every matched group."""
451 groups = match.groupdict()
452 for name,text in groups.iteritems():
453 if text is not None:
454 replace = getattr(self, '_%s_repl'%name)
455 replace(groups)
456 return
458 def parse_inline(self, raw):
459 """Recognize inline elements inside blocks."""
460 re.sub(self.inline_re, self._replace, raw)
462 def parse_block(self, raw):
463 """Recognize block elements."""
464 re.sub(self.block_re, self._replace, raw)
466 def parse(self):
467 self.parse_block(self.raw)
468 return self.root
Attached Files
To refer to attachments on a page, use attachment:filename, as shown below in the list of files. Do NOT use the URL of the [get] link, since this is subject to change and can break easily.You are not allowed to attach a file to this page.