Attachment ''


   1 #!/usr/bin/perl
   3 use File::Basename;
   4 use File::stat;
   5 use File::Copy;
   6 use Time::localtime;
   8 # 1) check with the others whether they can live with the current result
   9 # 2) distribute some wiki admin capabilities amongst the possible volunteers (I am)
  10 # 3) do a final conversion to capture the latest state
  11 # 4) I will make the old Wiki read-only and stop the wikidiffmail script
  12 # 5) Rewrite 
  14 # Manual tasks
  15 # Put script at MoinMoin wiki, under UtilityTools, JSPConversionTool
  16 # Create a homepage (based upon our old 'Main' page)
  17 # Edit PoweredByCocoon page to add || to end of lines
  18 # Move directives, e.g. [something] out of heading lines
  19 # Fix orphaned pages [[OrphanedPages]]
  22 my ($src, $dest, $history, $quiet, $exclusionFile, $baseFolder, $attachSrc);
  23 my ($attachDest, $appendAttachments, $regexp, $regexpInv, $prefix, $rewriteMap, $appendRewriteMap);
  24 my (%editlog, $filecount, $authorcount, %exclusions, @commands, $longestPattern, %pageAttachments);
  25 my ($rewriteMapHandle);
  27 &setCommands;
  28 &handleParameters;
  29 &init;
  30 &loadExclusions;
  31 &clean;
  32 &processAttachments;
  33 &processPages;
  34 &copyBasePages;
  35 &writeEditLog;
  36 &packageFiles;
  37 &complete;
  39 sub init {
  40   print "Starting...\n" unless $quiet;
  41   $filecount = 0;  
  42   $authorcount = 0;
  43   print "REWRITE MAP is $rewriteMap\n";
  44   if ($rewriteMap ne "" && $appendRewriteMap) {
  45     open (rewriteMapHandle, ">>$rewriteMap");
  46   } elsif ($rewriteMap ne "") {
  47     open (rewriteMapHandle, ">$rewriteMap");
  48   }
  49 }
  51 sub handleParameters {
  52   my %cmd;
  53   foreach $cmd (@commands) {
  54     %cmd = %{$cmd};
  55     &{$cmd{DEFAULT}};
  56     $longestPattern = (length($cmd{PATTERN}) > $longestPattern) ? length($cmd{PATTERN}) : $longestPattern;
  57   }
  59   my $found = 0;
  60   while ($#ARGV>=0) {
  61     $_ = shift(@ARGV);
  62     foreach $cmd (@commands) {
  63       %cmd = %{$cmd};
  64       my $pattern = $cmd{PATTERN};
  65       if (/^$pattern$/) {
  66         &{$cmd{ACTION}};
  67         $found =1;
  68         last;
  69       }
  70     }
  71   }
  72 }
  74 sub setCommands {
  75   @commands = ({
  76                 PATTERN=>"-nh|--no-history",
  77                 ACTION=>sub {$history=0},
  78                 DEFAULT=>sub {$history=1},
  79                 DESC=>"Do not process history - just pages",
  80                 SYNTAX=>"-nh"
  81                }, {
  82                 PATTERN=>"-q|--quiet",
  83                 ACTION=>sub {$quiet=1},
  84                 DEFAULT=>sub {$quiet=0},
  85                 DESC=>"Don't display anything, just do it",
  86                 SYNTAX=>"-q"
  87                }, {
  88                 PATTERN=>"-s|--source",
  89                 ACTION=>sub {$src=shift(@ARGV)},
  90                 DEFAULT=>sub {$src = "jsp/pages"},
  91                 DESC=>"Specify the folder containing the JSPWiki pages",
  92                 SYNTAX=>"-s <source folder>"
  93                }, {
  94                 PATTERN=>"-d|--destination",
  95                 ACTION=>sub {$dest=shift(@ARGV)},
  96                 DEFAULT=>sub {$dest = "moin/wikidata"},
  97                 DESC=>"Specify the folder to contain the MoinMoin pages",
  98                 SYNTAX=>"-d <destination folder>"
  99                }, {
 100                 PATTERN=>"-x|--exclude",
 101                 ACTION=>sub {$exclusionFile = shift(@ARGV)},
 102                 DEFAULT=>sub {$exclusionFile = dirname($0)."/jsp-exclude.txt"},
 103                 DESC=>"Specify a file listing JSPWiki pages to ignore",
 104                 SYNTAX=>"-x <exclusions file>"
 105                }, {
 106                 PATTERN=>"-na|--no-attachments",
 107                 ACTION=>sub {$attachments = 0},
 108                 DEFAULT=>sub {$attachments = 1},
 109                 DESC=>"Do not process attachments",
 110                 SYNTAX=>"-na"
 111                }, {
 112                 PATTERN=>"-as|--attachment-source",
 113                 ACTION=>sub {$attachSrc=shift(@ARGV)},
 114                 DEFAULT=>sub {$attachSrc = "jsp/attachments"},
 115                 DESC=>"Specify the folder containing JSPWiki attachments",
 116                 SYNTAX=>"-as <attachment source folder>"
 117                }, {
 118                 PATTERN=>"-ad|--attachment-destination",
 119                 ACTION=>sub {$attachDest=shift(@ARGV)},
 120                 DEFAULT=>sub {$attachDest = "pages"},
 121                 DESC=>"Specify the folder to contain MoinMoin attachments",
 122                 SYNTAX=>"-ad <attachment destination folder>"
 123                }, {
 124                 PATTERN=>"-aa|--append-attachment-links",
 125                 ACTION=>sub {$appendAttachments=1},
 126                 DEFAULT=>sub {$appendAttachments=0},
 127                 DESC=>"Appends links to all attachments to end of each page",
 128                 SYNTAX=>"-aa"
 129                }, {
 130                 PATTERN=>"-b|--base-folder",
 131                 ACTION=>sub {$baseFolder=shift(@ARGV)},
 132                 DEFAULT=>sub {$baseFolder = "foo/data/text"},
 133                 DESC=>"Specify the folder containing the default MoinMoin pages",
 134                 SYNTAX=>"-b <base folder>"
 135                }, {
 136                 PATTERN=>"-p|--package",
 137                 ACTION=>sub {$packageFile = shift(@ARGV)},
 138                 DEFAULT=>sub {$packageFile = "cocoon-wiki.tgz"},
 139                 DESC=>"Specify the tgz package name for content uploading",
 140                 SYNTAX=>"-p <package file>"
 141                }, {
 142                 PATTERN=>"-rp|--remove-prefix",
 143                 ACTION=>sub {$prefix = shift(@ARGV)},
 144                 DEFAULT=>sub {$prefix = ""},
 145                 DESC=>"Specify a string to be removed from the beginning of a page name",
 146                 SYNTAX=>"-rp <prefix>"
 147                }, {
 148                 PATTERN=>"-rw|--create-rewrite-map",
 149                 ACTION=>sub {$rewriteMap = shift(@ARGV)},
 150                 DEFAULT=>sub {$rewriteMap = ""},
 151                 DESC=>"Build an Apache mod_rewrite rewrite map file for redirecting old JSP wiki to new Moin wiki",
 152                 SYNTAX=>"-rw <rewrite map file>"
 153                }, {
 154                 PATTERN=>"-arw|--append-rewrite-map",
 155                 ACTION=>sub {$rewriteMap = shift(@ARGV); $appendRewriteMap = 1},
 156                 DEFAULT=>sub {$appendRewriteMap = 0},
 157                 DESC=>"Extend an existing Apache mod_rewrite rewrite map file for redirecting old JSP wiki to new Moin wiki",
 158                 SYNTAX=>"-arw <rewrite map file>"
 159                }, {
 160                 PATTERN=>"-r|--page-regexp",
 161                 ACTION=>sub {$regexp = shift(@ARGV)},
 162                 DEFAULT=>sub {$regexp = ".*"},
 163                 DESC=>"Specify a regular expression that which must match a page for that page to be converted",
 164                 SYNTAX=>"-r <regular expression>"
 165                }, {
 166                 PATTERN=>"-R|--inverse-page-regexp",
 167                 ACTION=>sub {$regexpInv = shift(@ARGV)},
 168                 DEFAULT=>sub {$regexpInv = ""},
 169                 DESC=>"Specify a regular expression that which must *not* match a page for that page to be converted",
 170                 SYNTAX=>"-R <regular expression>"
 171                }, {
 172                 PATTERN=>"-h|--help",
 173                 ACTION=>sub {&help},
 174                 DEFAULT=>sub {},
 175                 DESC=>"Display this help",
 176                 SYNTAX=>"-h"
 177                });
 178   }             
 179 sub usage {
 180   print " ";
 181   foreach $cmd (@commands) {
 182     my %cmd = %{$cmd};
 183     print "$cmd{SYNTAX} ";
 184   }
 185   print "\n";
 186 }
 188 sub help {
 189   &usage;
 190   print "\n";
 191   foreach $cmd (@commands) {
 192     my %cmd = %{$cmd};
 193     print "$cmd{PATTERN}", " "x($longestPattern+1-length($cmd{PATTERN})), "$cmd{DESC}\n";
 194   }
 195   exit;
 196 }
 198 sub loadExclusions {
 199   print "Loading exclusions from $exclusionFile...\n" unless $quiet;
 200   open (in, $exclusionFile);
 201   while (<in>) {
 202     s/\n$//;
 203     next if /^\s*#/ || /^\s*$/;
 204     if (/^(.*)->(.*)$/) {
 205       $exclusions{$1}=$2;
 206     } else {
 207       $exclusions{$_}=1;
 208     }
 209   }
 210   close in;
 211 }
 213 sub clean {
 214   print "Cleaning...\n" unless $quiet;
 215   system "rm -rf $dest/text" if -e "$dest/text";
 216   system "rm -rf $dest/backup" if -e "$dest/backup";
 217   system "rm -rf $dest/pages" if -e "$dest/pages";
 218   mkdir "$dest/text", 0777;
 219   mkdir "$dest/backup", 0777;
 220   mkdir "$dest/$attachDest", 0777;
 221 }
 223 sub processAttachments {
 224   return unless $attachments;
 225   print "Processing attachments...\n";
 227   my @files = glob("$attachSrc/*-att/*-dir/*");
 228   my %attachments;
 229   foreach (@files) {
 230     next if /$/;
 231     next if m#/\.{1,2}$#;
 232     my ($page, $attach, $no, $ext) = (m#$attachSrc/(.*)-att/(.*)-dir/(\d+)\.(.*)$#);
 233     push @{$attachments{"$page/$attach"}}, "$no.$ext";
 234   }
 236   my %latestAttachments;
 237   my ($no, $ext);
 238   foreach my $attachment (keys %attachments) {
 239     my @attach = @{$attachments{$attachment}};
 240     my $highest = 0;
 241     foreach (@attach) {
 242       ($no, $ext) = (/(.*)\.(.*)/);
 243       $highest = $no if $no > $highest;
 244     }
 245     my ($page, $attach) = ($attachment=~m#(.*)/(.*)#);
 246     $latestAttachments{$attachment}="$attachSrc/$page-att/$attach-dir/$highest.$ext";
 247     push @{$pageAttachments{$page}}, "$attach";
 248   }
 250   foreach (keys %latestAttachments) {
 251     my ($page, $attach) = (m#(.*)/(.*)#);
 252     my $infile = $latestAttachments{$_};
 253     my $outfile = &getOutputFilename($page);
 254     my $outpath = "$dest/$attachDest/$outfile/attachments/$attach";
 255     mkdir "$dest/$attachDest/$outfile", 0777;
 256     mkdir "$dest/$attachDest/$outfile/attachments", 0777;
 257     system ("cp \"$infile\" \"$outpath\"");
 258     print "\@" unless $quiet;
 259   }
 260   print "\n";
 261 }
 263 sub processPages {
 264   print "Processing...\n" unless $quiet;
 265   my @toProcess = &getPages;
 267   foreach my $file (@toProcess) {
 268     my $outfile = &getOutputFilename($file);
 269     next if $exclusions{$file}==1;
 270     next if (($regexp ne "" && $file!~/$regexp/) || ($regexpInv ne "" && $file=~/$regexpInv/));
 271     print $file unless $quiet;
 272     my $content;
 273     my $timestamp;
 274     my $filename;
 275     my %authors = &getAuthors($file);
 276     my $first = 1;
 277     my $maxAuthor = 0;
 279     if ($history) {
 280       foreach my $history (&getHistory("$src/OLD/$file")) {
 281         $content = &getContent("$src/OLD/$file/$history.txt");
 282         $content = &processPage($content, $file);
 283         $content = &appendAttachments($content, $file) if $appendAttachments;
 284         $timestamp = &getDate("$src/OLD/$file/$history.txt");
 285         &addToEditLog($outfile,
 286                       $authors{$history}, 
 287                       $timestamp,
 288                       $authors{$history}, 
 289                       $first);
 290         $filename = "backup/$outfile.$timestamp";
 291         &writeContent("$dest/$filename", $content);
 292         $first = 0;
 293         $maxAuthor = $history>$maxAuthor ? $history : $maxAuthor;
 294         print "." unless $quiet;
 295         $filecount++;
 296       }
 297     }
 298     &appendRewriteMap($file, $outfile) if ($rewriteMap ne "");
 300     $authorcount+=$#{keys %authors};
 301     $content = &getContent("$src/$file.txt");
 302     $content = &processPage($content);
 303     $content = &appendAttachments($content, $file) if $appendAttachments;
 304     $timestamp = &getDate("$src/$file.txt");
 305     &writeContent("$dest/text/$outfile", $content);
 306     &addToEditLog($outfile,
 307                   $authors{$maxAuthor+1}, 
 308                   $timestamp,
 309                   $authors{$maxAuthor+1},
 310                   $first);
 311     print "*\n" unless $quiet;
 312     $filecount++;
 313   }
 314 }
 316 sub getOutputFilename {
 317   my $file = shift;
 318   $file = $exclusions{$file} if defined $exclusions{$file};
 319   $file=~s/_/_25/g;
 320   $file=~s/\./_2e/g;
 321   $file=~s/\-/_2d/g;
 322   $file=~s/\+/_2b/g;
 323   $file=~s/%2F/_2f/g;
 324   $file=~s/^$prefix// if $prefix ne "" && $file ne $prefix;
 325   return $file;
 326 }
 328 sub appendRewriteMap {
 329   my $infile = shift;
 330   my $outfile = shift;
 332   print rewriteMapHandle "$infile $outfile\n";
 333 }
 335 sub copyBasePages {
 336   print "Copying base pages...\n" unless $quiet;
 337   opendir dir, $baseFolder;
 338   my @files = readdir(dir);
 339   closedir dir;
 341   foreach $file (@files) {
 342     next if (-d "$dest/text/$file" || $file eq "CVS");
 344     if (-e "$dest/text/$file") {
 345       print "$file exists already\n";
 346       next;
 347     }
 349     system "cp $baseFolder/$file $dest/text/$file";
 350   }
 351 }
 353 sub writeEditLog {
 354   print "Writing Edit log...\n";
 355   open editlog, ">$dest/editlog";
 356   my @sorted = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %editlog;
 357   foreach $key (@sorted) {
 358     $ref= $editlog{$key};
 359     print editlog $ref->{page},
 360                    "\t",
 361                    $ref->{author},
 362                    "\t",
 363                    $ref->{timestamp},
 364                    "\t",
 365                    $ref->{host},
 366                    "\t\t\t",
 367                    $ref->{version},
 368                    "\n";
 369   }
 370   close editlog;
 371 }
 374 sub complete {
 375   close rewriteMapHandle if $rewriteMap ne "";
 376   print "Done.\n" unless $quiet;
 377 }
 379 sub getAuthors {
 380   my $file = shift;
 381   my %authors;
 383   open in, "$src/OLD/$file/";
 384   while (<in>) {
 385     (my $history, my $author) = (/^(\d+).author=(.*)$/);
 386     $author=~s/\./:/g;
 387     $authors{$history}=$author;
 388   }
 389   close in;
 390   return %authors;
 391 }
 393 sub addToEditLog {
 394   my $page = shift;
 395   my $author = shift;
 396   my $timestamp = shift;
 397   my $host = shift;
 398   my $first = shift;
 399   my $version = $first ? "SAVENEW" : "SAVE";
 401   $timestamp++ while defined $editlog{$timestamp};
 403   my $line = {page=>$page,
 404               author=>$author,
 405               timestamp=>$timestamp,
 406               host=>$host,
 407               version=>$version};
 408   $editlog{$timestamp} = $line;    
 409 } 
 411 sub getDir {
 412   my $dir = shift;
 413   opendir handle, $dir;
 414   my @files = readdir handle;
 415   closedir handle;
 416   return @files;
 417 }
 419 sub getPages {
 420   my @files;
 421   foreach (&getDir($src)) {
 422     push @files, $1 if /^(.*)\.txt$/;
 423   }
 424   return @files;
 425 }
 427 sub getHistory {
 428   my $page = shift;
 429   my @files;
 430   foreach (&getDir("$page")) {
 431     push @files, $1 if /^(.*)\.txt$/;
 432   }
 433   return @files;
 434 }
 436 sub getDate {
 437   my $history = shift;
 438   return stat($history)->mtime;
 439 }
 441 sub getContent {
 442   my $file = shift;
 443   my $content = "";
 444   open in, $file;
 445   $content.=$_ while <in>;
 446   close in;
 447   return $content;
 448 }
 450 sub writeContent {
 451   my $file = shift;
 452   my $content = shift;
 453   open out, ">$file";
 454   print out $content;
 455   close out;
 456 }
 459 sub processLinks {
 460   $_ = shift;
 461   my $file = shift;
 462   my $new = "";
 463   while (/\[(.*?)\]/m) {
 464     $link = $1;
 465     $new .= &escapeCamelCase($`);
 466     $_ = $';
 467     if ($link=~/^\[/) {                           # Quoted square brackets
 468       $link="$link]";
 469     } elsif ($link=~/^(\d+)$/) {
 470       $link = "[#$1]";
 471     } elsif ($link=~/^#(\d+)$/) {
 472       $link="[[Anchor($1)]]";
 473     } elsif (&isAttachmentLink($link, $file)) {
 474       $link = &getAttachmentLink($link, $file);
 475     } elsif ($link=~/\|/) {
 476       if ($link=~/^(.*)\s*\|\s*(http:.*)$/) {     # http:// links with a label
 477         $link = "[$2 $1]";
 478       } elsif ($link=~/^([^\|]+)\s*\|\s*(.*)/) {  # [SN | Steven Noels] -> [:SN:StevenNoels]
 479         my $label = $1;
 480         $link = filterLink($2);
 481         $link=~s/\s//g;
 482         $link=~s/\./_2e/g;
 483         $link="[:$link:$label]";
 484       }
 485     } elsif ($link=~/\s*(http:[^\s]+)\s*/) {      # http:// without label
 486       $link="[".&filterLink($1)."]";
 487     } else {
 488       $link=~s/\s//g;
 489       if ($link=~/^([A-Z][a-z0-9]+){2,}$/) {      # [WikiPage] -> WikiPage (detect camel case)
 490         $link=&filterLink($link);
 491       } else {                                    # [Upayavira] -> [:Upayavira]
 492         $link =~s/\s//g;
 493         $link = "[:".&filterLink($link)."]";
 494       }
 495     }
 496     $new.=$link;
 497   }
 498   $new.=&escapeCamelCase($_);
 499   return $new;
 500 }
 502 sub filterLink {
 503   my $link = shift;
 504   $link=~s/^$prefix// if $prefix ne "" && $link ne $prefix;
 505   return $link;
 506 }
 508 sub escapeCamelCase {
 509   my $text = shift;
 510   $text =~s/(([A-Z][a-z0-9]+){2,})/!$1/gm;
 511   return $text;
 512 }
 514 sub isAttachmentLink {
 515   my $link = shift;
 516   my $file = shift;
 517   return &getAttachmentLink($link, $file) ne $link;
 518 }
 520 sub getAttachmentLink {
 521   my $link = shift;
 522   my $file = shift;
 523   if ($link=~/\|/) {
 524     if ($link=~/^(.*)\s*\|\s*(http:.*)$/) {     # http:// links with a label
 525       return $link;
 526     } elsif ($link=~/^([^\|]+)\s*\|\s*(.*)/) {  # [SN | Steven Noels] -> [:SN:StevenNoels]
 527       my $label = $1;
 528       $link = $2;
 529     }
 530   } elsif ($link=~/\s*(http:[^\s]+)\s*/) {      # http:// without label
 531     return $link;
 532   }
 533   foreach my $attachment (@{$pageAttachments{$file}}) {
 534     if ($link =~/\s*$attachment\s*/) {
 535       return $link = "attachment:$attachment ";
 536     }
 537   }
 538   return $link;
 539 }  
 541 sub appendAttachments {
 542   my $content = shift;
 543   my $file = shift;
 545   $content.="[[BR]]\n[[BR]]\n" if $#{$pageAttachments{$file}}>=0;
 546   foreach my $attachment (@{$pageAttachments{$file}}) {
 547     print "@";
 548     $content.= "'''Attachment:''' attachment:$attachment [[BR]]\n";
 549   }
 550   return $content;
 551 }
 553 sub processPage {
 554   my $page = shift;
 555   my $file = shift;
 557   $page=~s#([^\{])\{\{([^{}]*?)\}\}(?!\})#$1\{\{\{$2\}\}\}#sg;
 558   #$page=~s#([^\{])\{{2}([^\{])#$1\{\{\{$2#gm; # Inline code snippets
 559   #$page=~s#([^\}])\}{2}([^\}])#$1\}\}\}$2#gm; # Inline code snippets
 561   my $newPage = "";
 562   my $remaining = $page;
 563   while ($remaining=~/\{\{\{.*?\}\}\}/s) {
 564     my $before = $`;
 565     my $during = $&;
 566     $remaining = $';
 567     $newPage.= &processLines($before, $file).$during;
 568   }
 569   $newPage.=&processLines($remaining, $file);
 570   return $newPage;
 571 }
 573 sub less {
 574   my $description = shift;
 575   my $content = shift;
 576   open(my $less, "|less");
 577   print $less "$description\n","-"x length($description),"\n\n";
 578   print $less $content;
 579   close($less);
 580 }
 582 sub processLines {
 583   $_ = &processLinks(shift, shift);
 584   my $m = chr(13);
 585   s#$m##g;
 586   s#^[\t ]*\!\!\!(.*)$#= $1 =#gm;         # Largest Heading
 587   s#^[\t ]*\!\!(.*)$#== $1 ==#gm;         # Middle Heading
 588   s#^[\t ]*\!(.*)$#=== $1 ===#gm;         # Smallest Heading
 589   s#^(=+)\s\d+\.#$1 #gm;               # Remove Numbers from headings; Moin adds them itself
 590   s#__#'''#gm;                         # Bold
 591   s#^\*\*\*#    *#gm;                  # Nested Bulletted lists
 592   s#^\*\*\*#   *#gm;                   # Nested Bulletted lists
 593   s#^\*\*#  *#gm;                      # Nested Bulletted lists
 594   s#^\*# * #gm;                        # Bulletted lists
 595   s#^\## 1.#gm;                        # Numbered lists
 596   s#\\\\#[[BR]]#gm;                    # Line Breaks
 597   s#\|\|(.*?)(?=\|\|)#\|'''$1'''#gm;   # Table Headers
 598   s#\|#\|\|#gm;                        # Table Entries
 599   # ''Italics''                          (not supported in JSPWiki)
 600   # ^superscript^                        (not supported in JSPWiki)
 601   # ,,subscript,,                        (not supported in JSPWiki)
 602   return $_;
 603 }
 605 sub packageFiles {
 606   print "Making archive...\n";
 607   my $cwd = `pwd`;
 608   chdir $dest;
 609   system "zip -rq pages text backup editlog";
 610   chdir $cwd;
 611   rename "$dest/","$cwd/";
 612 }

Attached Files

To refer to attachments on a page, use attachment:filename, as shown below in the list of files. Do NOT use the URL of the [get] link, since this is subject to change and can break easily.
  • [get | view] (2004-08-17 06:31:28, 0.6 KB) [[attachment:jsp-exclude.txt]]
  • [get | view] (2004-08-17 06:30:06, 18.1 KB) [[]]
 All files | Selected Files: delete move to page copy to page

You are not allowed to attach a file to this page.