When trying to use the NewPage macro to create a new page from a template whose name includes an accentuated character, moin is unable to find the correct template:
[[NewPage(ModèleDeBrouillonDeLaGazette,Nouveau brouillon,Gazette Linux/Brouillons)]]
I therefore get the following error message (BUG1):
[Template Mod%C3%A8leDeBrouillonDeLaGazette not found]
I found a close case: an accented category page (like CategoryÁrea) does not appear in the combobox of the editor (BUG2).
Actually, this is configurable (and thus considered as a usability issue/feature
), see HelpOnConfiguration. It would be possible to use the uppercase regex there that works for every unicode character.
Great. Can you help with those regex for those of us that knows nothing about them?
I think the correct solution is to have a default regex that fixes that bug. Until then I recommend ConfigMarket.
Steps to reproduce
Create a Template with a name including an accuentuated character. For example: CaféTemplate.
Create a corresponding NewPage macro. For example:
Use it
MoinMoin Version |
1.5.4 |
OS and Version |
Debian Linux (Stable) |
Python Version |
2.3.5 |
Server Setup |
Twisted |
Server Details |
Language you are using the wiki in French |
BUG1 happens because in querystring template=pagename, the pagename gets double-URL-quoted (should be URL quoted, once only). Strange, I only see a wikiutil.escape() call (but that does only handle <, >, & and " and does not urlquote) - where does the urlquoting happen? Why double?
BUG2 is a configuration issue.
- Priority:
- Assigned to:
Status: fixed in and