## Template for submitting bug reports ## Note: All bugs pagename should be: MoinMoinBugs/BugName ## Note: Don't forget you can improve this bug template - edit the page called BugTemplate. = Description = Any User can enter a URL of a non existing page. While doing the page head, moin will insert attachment rel links, even for a non existing page. That creates a directory inside data_dir/pages. With a simple script a evil user can create thousands of empty directories on the harddisc and slowing down or even crash the server, depending on the filesystem used. == Example == URL: [[x]] [[y]] [[z]] (look in the pages dir...) == Details == Affected Moin Versions: 1.2+, perhaps earlier versions = Discussion = A fix for this (based on moin--main--1.2, easy to integrate into 1.3): [[attachment:makedirbug.diff]] = Plan = * Priority: High * Assigned to: OliverGraf * Will be fixed in release: fixed in arch moin--main--1.2 ---- CategoryMoinMoinBugFixed