MoinMoin 2.0 Development Workshop at 27c3


MoinMoin v2.0 (aka moin2) is rather different compared to moin 1.x - architecture was redesigned, lots of code rewritten or cleaned up (or outsourced to cool 3rd party python libs and frameworks).

moin2 is free software licensed under the GNU GPL.


Intended audience

Stuff we use

You can likely use and/or improve your skills related to:

Preparing for the workshop

You should have mercurial DVCS installed and have a clone of the moin2 repo.

/!\ The repo is rather large (~250MB) and unreliable / flaky / high-latency wireless or 3G connections at 27c3 might not be suitable for cloning it quickly.

If you want to work on the code, you are advised to do this before the workshop:

If you like, join us on #moin-dev on and talk to us about the workshop.


There will be an introduction into how moin2 architecture looks like, what libraries we use, how the code is structured, what needs to be done.

Audience questions will be answered while and after the introduction.


We'll try to get into the code and do some hacking. We'll prepare some stuff, but this also depends on audience skills and interest.

Workshop ideas

MoinMoin: 27c3/WorkShop (last edited 2010-12-25 21:08:59 by ReimarBauer)