This is an attempt to analyze more closely (aka ramble about) the function of different action plugins in MoinMoin. The purpose is to improve the interface for invoking the actions, as well as make it easier to develop new actions and maintain existing ones.

Current situation

Actions are the most generic and versatile kind of plugin in MoinMoin. They are basically small web applications, using MoinMoin as a kind of framework and a source of ready components. This flexibility comes at a cost: you need a lot of code to make an action. Even if you mostly use the ready components that MoinMoin provides, you end up with a lot of boilerplate that was copy-pasted from other actions. This is bad, because:

Plugin categories

Looking at the plugins, one can separate them into several different categories, based on the way they behave and the purpose they fulfill:


View actions show the contents of a particular page, or some meta-information about that page. There is a standardized user interface around the displayed content, provided by the configured theme. There might be also additional links to actions not available in other views. What is displayed depends on the action, but also on the mimetype of the page, parameters in the query part of the url or user preferences and wiki configuration. Examples of such actions include: view, edit, gui edit, info, diff, chart, spellcheck, local site map, like pages, preview.


Operations are actions that are supposed to do something with a particular page. They display some sort of a dialog, usually containing a form with several fields and a confirmation button -- but there might be also some "single click" operations without any additional dialogs. Apart from the dialog, they usually display the "default" view of them page. They are not meant to provide information, but rather to perform some one-time change with the page, and return to its main view. Examples of operation actions include: bookmark, backup, despam, delete page, rename page, refresh, copy page, quicklink, subscribe, save, sync pages.


Export actions are a lot like view actions, in the sense that they provide the information from the page in a specific format, except that they don't have a standardized user interface, but instead display the information raw, suitable for downloading and saving as a file, or using in other ways. Those actions include: raw, package pages, rss, render as docbook, pdf action, sitemap, slideshow.


There are some actions that don't really deal with specific pages, but are part of the general user interface of the wiki itself. They usually work like the operation actions, in that they display some form or dialog, but the information they show and work they do is not connected with any one page. They are supposed to return to where they were invoked. Some of those are: user prefs, full search, title index, recoverpass, newpage, newaccount, login, logout, system info.


Some uber-plugins are in fact whole bundles of different sub-actions, each of them belonging to one of the above categories. There is usually one or more view action, that contains links to operations, exports and interface actions. Examples of such actions inclde: Attach File, arnica.


Plugin development

Each class of the action plugins could have a different base class used for implementing it -- requiring only the minimum amount of code to be added. For example, a view plugin would only need a function that tells the parser to be used, similarly, an export plugin would specify a parser, formatter and maybe a mime type. The operation action would specify a function to display the dialog form, and a function to call when the form is submitted -- leaving all the display and redirecting issues to the base class. The composite actions could benefit from a standardized dispatcher...

The base classes could also define a number of (overridable) defaults, like whether a particular action should display the info line, or whether it should be visible on the editbar.

User interface

Cleaner menus

Links to actions with different plugins can be displayed in different parts of the page, appropriate to the behavior. For example:

Consistent behavior

Because plugins use templates in form of base classes, their behavior is consistent and usability improvements propagate to all actions, without additional work.

Consistent styling

Actions use the same CSS classes and IDs for the same functional component, making it easy to apply consistent styles. On the other hand, actions with differing behavior use different CSS classes and IDs, giving the style author more freedom in handling paticular use cases, without risking conflicts.


MoinMoin: ActionsAsViewsOperationsAndExports (last edited 2009-07-06 22:21:43 by ReimarBauer)