Adding count attribute for user object for the pagination of history results, got a blocker

Blocker: When i try to add attribute in __init__ function of class User (MoinMoin/, how will i retrieve the previous value of that attribute ?

I don't understand which attribute, which value?

I mean as i have seen that, bookmark is defined as dictionary and in __init__ function it is set to be null, i mean as a new dictionary {}, But how does it extract the value in getBookmark function ?

The user object is also an item but without revisions. You get the value from the metadata of it.

Please give me some idea regarding from where and how to retrieve the the past value of this new variable ?

You can't get the past value. You should save the previous/next state var in a form as a list. e.g. you can do it by something like. 4,0,1,2,3,4,5,6 Then you know the first value is the current location. from the position in the list you can get the privious and the next one.

MoinMoin: AkashSinha/Gsoc2011Diary/2011-06-20 (last edited 2011-06-21 07:05:27 by ReimarBauer)