Pushed the ajax delete feature of items at index page

Now the items which got deleted will be fade away and the one which didn't will have conflict icon before the name.

Changeset: https://bitbucket.org/sinha/moin2/changeset/5c86980e7d06

Bug Found

And when i was using this code for deletion, i found a bug in one of my previous function which was adding a hassubitem flag for the items on index page (resulting in displaying the 'plus' symbol after item's name).

I am using this piece of code to identify whether a item has subitem or not .

As when i delete a item it is getting renamed as "Trash/itemname/subitem"

So when i do regex search for "itemname/subitem" over the string of all names concatenated ("\n" as separator), it matches with "Trash.." names.

So is this method of concatenation of all itemnames and regex search is reliable ? because it fails at the above condition.

reply' look if you can use wikiMatches

Please forget what I have said about a default comment string if none is given. We can change this later if needed on a lower level.

(!) I think we continue on index instead of starting now on something else which may be only partly then working. I have no idea how fast you can implement meta data by ajax. Work on this after gsoc if you are interested is very welcome.

After you have destroy added can you add please "New item" otherwise we have only downstream or killing items in that menu. Otherwise we have only the possibility by uploading to create a subitem there. It needs a form for the name. It should dependend of the location add a subitem on an item or an item at root location. Please initialize the form field with the prefix of the current location. After the name is defined the "Create form" should be called.

MoinMoin: AkashSinha/Gsoc2011Diary/2011-08-12 (last edited 2011-08-13 09:17:55 by ReimarBauer)