Andreas Hüwel
Email: <Mandreas DOT hueMwel AT web DOT de> (remove capital m)
/CodingOnMoinMoin |
I just wanted to report this translating/packaging bug of moin-1.3.1:
MoinMoinBugs/WikiSandkastenWrongAclEntry (29. Dec. 2004)
some private linklist
Macro ImageMap
This shall become the moinmoin equivalent of the html ImageMap - feature: An attached image be shown and behave like a map, with areas linking somewhere. I think of macro interface like this:
[[ImageMap(imageattachment, (areatitel, areashape (default=rect), linktarget, [(x,y)]) )]]
Curently I am working through the action AttachFile to see, how to access attachments as images.
Macro PageVoting
- The idea behind this is, that normal websites have limited feedback techniques. So voting on content of pages, and display of some statistical results is well known there. Wiki have more sensitive possibilities, like commenting on subpages "comments". If the wiki-setup only allows authentified suers, you also get nice overview on who did say what. Sure. But a company running a wiki, sometimes additionally wishes to use "normal page voting" techniques.
- new Theme + plugins
- Header menu, leftsidebar menu, [bottom menu, rightside menü]
- Dynamic navigation menuitems
- dropdown entries for
- Sibling Pages
- Subpages
- Categories
- [Pages with "similar" facets]
- [local Sitemap/Grafic view, like macro]
searchform, with prdefined form-values in UserPreferences
- dropdown entries for
Programming on MoinMoin issues