Anke Heinrich
Email: <anke.heinrich AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com>
I'm using MoinMoin as an intranet collaboration tool in the software company I work for. Python is my favorite programming language, so I picked MoinMoin to have the chance to do some python programming every now and then. However, as Project Manager I have usually a different focus, so please bear with me if I'm asking silly questions or don't respond for a long time.
In case anyone wonders: I live near NYC, so my timezone is EDT or EST depending on the season, but my native language is German.
Used Extensions
Contributed Extensions
ParserMarket/ (fairly old 4GL programming language, but vim had a syntax file, so it wasn't too hard
Messages to Me
Welcome Anke! -- ReimarBauer 2007-10-29 12:45:18