

Prefix Description Namespace
page Semantic structure of a page
html XHTML 1
xlink XLink
xinclude XML Inclusion

Namespace-less attributes

Attributes without namespace are used as fallback if the element have the page namespace.


A formal spec in Relax-NG can be found here.

Page Structure

Page Root

The <page:page> element represents the page. It includes exactly one body.

Body Element

The <page:body> element includes the text content of a page. It mainly consists of a sequence of paragraphs and other text sections.

Basic Text Structure


The <page:h> element represents a heading.

Heading level

The page:outline-level attribute defines the level of the heading, starting with 1.


The <page:p> element represents a paragraph.


The <page:list> element represents a list.

List item label generate

The page:item-label-generate attribute specifies that the item labels should be generated with a specific pattern.

List item

The <page:list-item element represents an item of a list.

List item label

The <page:list-item-label element represents the label of an item of a list. It must only be used if no label generation is used and can only contain inline elements.

List item body

The <page:list-item-body element represents the content of an item of a list. It can contain paragraphs, headings and other lists.


The <page:table> element represents a table.

Table header

The <page:table-header> element represents a table header.

The <page:table-footer> element represents a table footer.

Table body

The <page:table-body> element represents a table body.

Table row

The <page:table-row> element represents a table row.

Table cell

The <page:table-cell> element represents a table cell.

Paragraph Elements Content

Basic Text Content

Line Breaks

The <page:line-break> element represents a line break in a heading or paragraph.

Attributed Text

The <page:span> element represents portions of text that are attributed.

The <page:a> element represents a hyperlink.

The xlink:href attribute specifies the target IRI.


The page:note element represents a note. This can be either a footnote or an endnote.

Note Class

The page:note-class attribute specifies the type of note this is. Available are footnote and endnote.


The <xinclude:include> element allows to include other pages into the current page.

Includes via URL


Includes via XPointer


MoinMoin: BastianBlank/TreeOutputFormatter/Spec (last edited 2010-08-10 09:36:14 by ValentinJaniaut)