Cheer Xiao


<xiaqqaix AT gmail DOT com>

Alternate Contact
(mobile) +8618210231602
Homepage/blog/wiki URL (Yes, a moin site :D)

Country (born / living in)
P.R. China
Academic experience
Undergraduate at Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, P.R. China
Your current occupation
Software projects you have already participated in
  • Roundup (project homepage, code repository), a lightweight, flexible issue tracker, written in Python and BSD-licensed. It is the issue tracker used by (link). I submitted a series of patches, all accepted (some with amendments).

  • Fcitx (project homepage, code repository 1 and 2), a highly modular input method framework, written in C, GPL-licensed.

    • I was the primary author of fcitx-m17n (code repository), fcitx's bridge to m17n input method framework, also programmed in C. This is one of the first steps for fcitx to become an international IME framework; previously it was used for Chinese exclusively.

Experience Level

I don't have much actual experience with coding, but I'm still confident about my general programming skill. The following estimations contain hours of meditation on algorithms and designing besides actually typing code and debugging. :)

Experience with google summer of code
Never before
Experience in coding in general
started 2005, 1000 hours (most of which was spent on Olympiad of Informatics)
Experience in Python coding
started 2006, 200 hours
Experience in HTML
started 2008, 60 hours
Experience in CSS
started 2008, 60 hours
Experience in Javascript
started 2009, 40 hours
Your favourite programming language(s), best first
Python, Lua, golang, C
Tools you use for development
Vim, ctags, zsh (if that counts as a development tool), Firebug, Git
Did you already do full day work (8h/5d) over some weeks on some software project yet?
If not, is your motivation good enough that you think you can do that for MoinMoin?

Project I apply for and my ideas for them

I'm applying for the issue tracker project, as listed at GoogleSoc2012/InitialProjectIdeas#Issue_tracker.

Issue tracker

What needs to be done and how

Rough plan, deliverables

Why I am best suited for the project

Other obligations


MoinMoin: CheerXiao/Soc2012Application (last edited 2013-05-03 04:11:51 by CheerXiao)