Chris Gaskett

Hi, I was a lecturer at the School of Maths Physics and IT at JCU in Cairns, Australia.

We used moinmoin as a platform for our project subjects to support collaboration between the students.

I'm happy to report that Phillip Musumeci and I won a Carrick Citation for outstanding contributions to student learning in 2006 for these subjects. (The Carrick citations are a government funded national (Australian) award scheme managed by the Carrick Institute; I've supplied slightly more detail at

Thank you very much to the developers for their work. Moinmoin has been an excellent tool for our students and we've really enjoyed using it.

Email: <chris AT SPAMFREE gaskett DOT com>



MoinMoin: ChrisGaskett (last edited 2009-02-03 22:12:03 by ChrisGaskett)