Clifton Royston

Email: <cliftonr AT SPAMFREE iandicomputing DOT com>

Just Another Moinmoin User

I set it up for private use (firewalled) on my home network, where I'm using it as a PIM (Personal Information Manager) to keep track of everything I need to do while I'm starting a new consulting/contract programming company.

I used Twiki at my last job and got hooked on Wikis, but there were some things I didn't like about Twiki, so I wanted to make a clean start when feeding one. So far I really really like Moinmoin.

I'm trying to learn Python, so Moinmoin is a good motivator for this too - there's nothing like working useful code to learn something useful.


MoinMoin: CliftonRoyston (last edited 2007-10-29 19:10:20 by localhost)