DOM reST support 2010

This is part of GSoC 2010.


Implement reST->DOM and DOM->reST converters.


  1. 23.06 - 05.07 (12-13 days): reST -> DOM -> reST converter, create and test.

  2. 06.07 - 12.07 (5-6 days ): if any problems with reST -> DOM -> reST, test wiki -> DOM -> reST and reST -> DOM -> wiki

  3. 12.07 - 15.07 mid-term evaluations

Additional information

DOM-reST relations

Ideas, Feedback



MoinMoin: DOM reST support 2010 (last edited 2012-06-01 07:46:55 by EugeneSyromyatnikov)