Email: <danickla AT informatik DOT uni-stuttgart DOT de>
I'm using MoinMoin for coordination in a big research project and privatly for RPGs.
PDF Export
" ... document export function - It would be very handy to export some chosen wiki pages to a printable document with a table of contents (PDF, HTML)"
{ { {!#pdf-document NameOfTitelPage Title of Document SomePage Introduction AnotherPage The Heading of the next Chapter YetAnotherPage a Subsection of AnotherPage } } }
The output is the link to the attachment (if available). There should be also an action like UpdatePdf that activates the PDF export.
I've assigned the problem to a student assistant I'm supervising. Any comments on the idea are welcome. -- DanielaNicklas 2003-07-18 13:52:00
The collecting of the pages could be done by some include macros, then you could use print view and maybe just print to a ps2pdf printer. See the Slideshow-Demo (and esp. the handout for it) somewhere else here. -- ThomasWaldmann
Current state of design:
- first step: text_latex - Formatter generates LaTeX out of a single Wiki page. Options: single/embedded, nesting (mapping from wiki titles to LaTeX sections) - work in progress
- next step: processor and/or action: embed several LaTeX-Pages and generate a single document. Generate PDF out of LaTeX. - planned
Other solution: if MoinMoin does proper xhtml:
Diplomarbeit topic, work in progress: /KontextWiki {de}
Seminar on Wikis
/WikiSeminar {de}
Is that sustainable programming ? I was too long into such tasks:
excel import/export pdf generation/konversation. What about XSL-FO? Even SVG could be a great choice for rendering printable documents. ~ Jan
We want good looking documents. LaTeX has a long history in producing fine layouts. I have some experience with XML technology, but we don't want to reinvent the wheel. -- -- DanielaNicklas 2003-11-13 08:53:30
I have a lot of experience with DocBook and use xslts (using tidy -asxml to make it xhtml first and then some perl munging to clean up the markup further) to convert certain kinds of moinmoin pages to docbook (and then to pdf in our toolchain). I think that longterm, and xsl-fo based solution would be better, but currently the open source fo-renderers aren't up to the task of producing pdfs as nice as you're used to. IMO, the thing moinmoin needs first is better support for book-like collections of pages (with next and previous links, a table of contents page, maybe section tocs; like the current slides but more elaborate). Then you need a way to convert those to various output formats, including docbook and pdf. DavidCramer, dcramer AT motive DOT com, 2004-09-03
Daniela and David, sure I'm overlooking something, but to produce goog looking PDFs from Moin, I use the PRINT action with a customized css. Then, I send the result to a PDF printer (in linux). What does this procedure lacks for your needs? Thanks... -- -- EduardoMercovich 2004-12-28 14:05:02
Bookmarks, hot hyperlinks, showing the url in the printed version of the doc (maybe that's posible with css). Css for printing can do a lot, but not everything. Some features would depend on the sophistication of the markup in the wiki (e.g. if you had a notion of a table head, then you could have running table heads for tables that span pages). --DavidCramer 2005-06-20
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Daniela, Any chance you'll be updating these actions for 1.2.x? DavidCramer, dcramer AT motive DOT com, 2004-09-03