Dave Frey
Email: <potatoihave AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com> Blog: http://graycrane.net/daveblog
I'm experimenting with the combination of PersonalWiki (MoinMoin, MoinX, and now DesktopEdition) and MultipleDesktops (synchronizing my work, including my wiki, across machines using Subversion).
Also interested in facets, semantics, and refactoring.
"Text on disk" wiki db is a beautiful thing: it's one of the reasons I stay with MoinMoin rather than moving to other interesting engines like instiki.
Your comments...
You managed to use Subversion to synchronise 2 MoinMoins?
- Sure. It's very early days, but so far so good. I'll formalize something on the experience later, but we can talk in email if you like.
I have the impression that every task of syncronisation that goes beyond editing separate pages on the different nodes requires a more powerful merging system than simple per-file diff3+patch. So I am thinking about an action which tries to syncronise two wikis via XMLRPC. Feel free to send a mail if you have implemented something or want to share ideas. -- AlexanderSchremmer 2005-06-27 13:14:59
I've written up my experience: /PersonalWiki/MultipleDesktops. Subversion is fitting my needs well, though I admit that PersonalWiki is a greatly simplified case
-- DaveFrey 2005-07-03 21:45:53
- Sure. It's very early days, but so far so good. I'll formalize something on the experience later, but we can talk in email if you like.