
Download the files of this theme here: ThemeMarket/sinorca4moin

Please have a look at HelpOnThemes for installation questions etc. before asking questions here.

This theme is (also) used by the SciPy-Wiki - so you can have a more detailed look at the theme there.

The newer versions (>0.4) of the design work out of the box for farms and for single wikis. The headers can be customized as can be seen in the following screenshots (see below for more info):

Sinorca4moin on a Wikifarm

Sinorca4moin on a single Wiki




For Rel. 0.1 --> Rel. 0.2:

For Rel. 0.2 --> Rel. 0.3:

For Rel. 0.3 --> Rel. 0.4:

For Rel. 0.4 --> Rel. 0.4.1:

For Rel. 0.4.1 --> Rel. 0.4.2:

For Rel. 0.4.2 --> Rel. 0.4.3:

For Rel. 0.4.3 --> Rel. 0.4.4 (2006-08-30):

For Rel. 0.4.4 --> Rel. 0.4.5 (2006-12-17):

For Rel. 0.4.5 --> Rel. 0.4.6 (2006-12-27):

For Rel. 0.4.6 --> Rel. 0.5 (2006-12-29):

Issues / Comments / Suggestions

Old stuff related to version 0.3 was deleted. Look in page history if you still need it (revision 30)!

Iconbar not working anymore

Today I updated my moinmoin with the latest changes in 1.6 (f5e7da98f2ae from Sun Apr 27 14:36:07 2008) and received for your theme the following error:

'NoneType' object has no attribute 'link_to_raw'
    * args = ("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'link_to_raw'",)

Well, the latest update/change in theme/ file (see will break the current def IconBar on this theme. If you change it to the same as used in classic theme, then everything seems to be ok.

    def iconbar(self, d):
        Assemble the iconbar
        @param d: parameter dictionary
        @rtype: string
        @return: iconbar html
        iconbar = []
        if self.cfg.page_iconbar and self.request.user.show_toolbar and d['page_name']:
            iconbar.append('<ul id="iconbar">\n')
            icons = self.cfg.page_iconbar[:]
            for icon in icons:
                if icon == "up":
                    if d['page_parent_page']:
                        iconbar.append('<li>%s</li>\n' % self.make_iconlink(icon, d))
                elif icon == "subscribe" and self.cfg.mail_enabled:
                    iconbar.append('<li>%s</li>\n' % self.make_iconlink(
                        ["subscribe", "unsubscribe"][self.request.user.isSubscribedTo([d['page_name']])], d))
                    iconbar.append('<li>%s</li>\n' % self.make_iconlink(icon, d))
        return ''.join(iconbar)

hope it helps; bye -- MarcelHäfner 2008-05-05 19:45:23

CSS Issue with IE7

Hi there; I saw that the IE7 always display on the bottom of the page a vertical scrollbar. To remove this stupid behavior of IEX, you just need make the pageinfo a bit smaller. bye -- MarcelHäfner 2008-05-09 15:05:55

adding to the msie.css file:

p#pageinfo {
   width: 99%;
   text-align: right;

MoinMoin: DavidLinke/Sinorca4Moin (last edited 2013-10-23 20:56:35 by HSI-KBW-078-043-017-238)