Dotan Halevi
Email: <BEGIN dotan DOT halevi DOT public AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com END>
Hi! This is my MoinMoin HomePage
I am an intel employee, a part of WiMAX Firmware Testing group. At work, my team need a KnowledgeBase, and I had come up w/ MoinMoin as a solution. Since this is a small team (10-20 reading, 2-3 contributing), I did not want to mess w/ complex setups (e.g. Apache, SQL etc). I am using MoinMoin DesktopEdition, running on an old "abandoned" Linux PC at the networking lab. It listens on the VNC port, thus bypassing the lab remote access firewalling. It is a true GuerillaWiki.
If you are a PTK intel employee, look me up and I will help you build your own Wiki.
This is my section, setting the rules for the VNC port hack:
class DefaultConfig(StandaloneConfig): docs = os.path.join(moinpath, 'wiki', 'htdocs') # Port (default 8080) # To serve privileged port under 1024 you will have to run as root port = 5900 # Interface (default 'localhost') # '' - will listen to any interface print "Note: the network interface here must by correct!!!" #interface = '' interface = ''
I had used the ThemeMarket/MentalWealth theme, which is very elegant. thanks, RobinParmar !
Screen Shot
This is the Integration Wiki Welcome page:
Hey, do you want to drop a line?
My Music
DotanHalevi/MyMusic link to an interesting article: