Short description

Allow users with write authority, but not admin authority, to store ACLs when creating a new page.

This feature has been discussed on the newsgroup a few times and I recently found a need for it on my wiki. The feature is useful only for almost private wikis residing on a public network -- where a few pages can not be read without logging in. This feature would allow users without admin authority to create and save a new page with ACL rules. It is expected that the ACL rule would come from a page template.


Add a new configuration variable to

   acl_store_on_create = False

Modify at line 951 on moin 1.5.4 to include the following new test:

            if (not (rev==0 and self.request.cfg.acl_store_on_create) and   # allows users to save acls on new pages
                not self.request.user.may.admin(self.page_name) and
                parseACL(self.request, newtext) != acl and
                action != "SAVE/REVERT"):
                msg = _("You can't change ACLs on this page since you have no admin rights on it!")
                raise self.NoAdmin, msg

Wikis that require use of the new feature must set acl_store_on_create = True in


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/AclStoreOnCreate (last edited 2007-10-29 19:08:22 by localhost)