
The structure of a wiki can get messy over months and years. Do the navigation and structure features of MoinMoin satisfy the big task of keeping you track about the overview your wiki?

There are numerous macros which will ease this task. But in my opinion at the moment MoinMoin offers no feature which will give you a good (!) overall overview over the site. Thus there is no possibility to have everything in the eye at once, also administrating a wiki can get a challenge.

Solution: Sitemaps

What MoinMoin really needs in my opinion is a good sitemap feature where you can see structures in a list or better: in a graphical way.

Personally I would prefer seeing a GlobalSiteMap action which creates a freemand file and shows that in a freemind viewer. You could see page structures, how pages reference each other and so on. Also you could directly go to a page by clicking the freemind bubble for that page.

The greatest thing would be if you could change the structure directly in the freemind viewer. You could drag and drop pages to different trees and after saving it, MoinMoin changes the structure in the background, moves pages, renames them or deletes them. But the freemind viewers lacks of an edit feature.



Look at MacroMarket/FreemindSitemap for the implementation of this feature request.



Currently it works in MoinMoin version 1.9 ( only. Version 1.8.4 needs a small adjustment in the handling of requests. I'll do that in the next days.


First version ready for download.


/!\ Don't forget to rename both the action and the macro files from to


    freemind_flash_browser_url = '/moin_static190/applets/freemindflashbrowser'
    freemind_css_url = '/moin_static190/applets/freemindflashbrowser/flashfreemind.css'
    freemind_cache_url = '/moin_static190/applets/freemindflashbrowser/freemindCache'
    freemind_cache_dir = '/home/josef/Development/MoinMoin/1.9/MoinMoin/web/static/htdocs/applets/freemindflashbrowser/freemindCache'

/!\ Adust the xxx in /moin_staticxxx to your version of MoinMoin. E.g.: /moin_static185 for MoinMoin version 1.8.5

/!\ The freemind_cache_dir is located in your htdocs folder below the python26 install path

    mimetypes_embed = ['application/x-shockwave-flash', ..., ]





What should be done to get this freemind sitemap feature working?


I also love the idea to change the structure of a wiki through mind maps :-) We could create some kind of XMLRPC script out of the mm files and remote control the wiki then.


Look at the www page of wikimindmap to see how MoinMoin could handle sitemaps in the future.


Do you know a flash free tool? Or can it save in svg too?


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/BetterStructureAndNavigationThroughSitemaps (last edited 2013-06-04 16:53:04 by dslb-092-074-184-048)